Women`s Era
Women`s Era is an English woman`s magazine published by Delhi Press Magazines.

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Women`s EraWoman`s Era is one of the leading brands of Delhi Press Magazines. It is published every fortnight and was first published in 1973. As the name suggests the target readers are the women of India and through the articles it provides useful information for the women and her entire family.

There are two issues every month, which covers various subjects. There are five short stories, which deal with the women`s world and the Indian family. Stories are written in simple lucid style in English. There is a section where there are fourteen sections dealing with subjects like husband wife relations, in laws, peers, society, marriage and weeding, travel destinations, money and some times Indian politics.

There are also sections on Indian movies, Indian fashion, Indian recipes and a Market Talk section, which provides an insight about the launches in the market. There are special sections on money, interiors and fashion, jewellery, travel, lifestyle etc. Over the years, this magazine has been able to live up to the expectation of the Indian woman. It is hugely popular among the women belonging to the upper middle strata residing in urban India.

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