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Tolangulasana Yoga Asana
Tolangulasana is one of the cultural asanas where the body stands balanced on closed fists. Its name translates to the weighing-balance pose.

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Tolangulasana, Cultural AsanaTolangulasana is a cultural asana that improves the balance of the body and strengthens the muscles of the biceps and abdomen. It balances the body like the `weighing scale` and therefore it is known as `Tolangulasana`. In the final position of Tolangulasana the whole body is balanced on closed fists. This asana ensures innumerable health benefits.

Practice of Tolangulasana

•Firstly, one should sit in Padmasana.
•Then the individual has to take support of the elbows to lie down on the back.
•Then raise the foot-lock slightly towards the stomach so that the buttocks may be raised. One may place both the closed fists under the buttocks. However, the elbows should touch the ground.
•Next, one should raise foot-lock as well as head and back and balance the whole body on the fists. The elbows should be up from the ground.
•While returning back to the original position, one can take the body weight on both the elbows first and slowly bring back and head back to the ground.
•Finally, one has to remove the fists from under the buttock and come to original position.

Tolangulasana is strictly a balancing Asana and the maximum load remains on the fists. Therefore, the fingers of fist should essentially remain on the ground. The practitioner should hold this posture for at least 30 seconds. With proper practice it can be stretched up to 3 to 5 minutes as per capacity of the individual.

Benefits of Tolangulasana

•The practice of Tolangulasana improves biceps muscles and muscles of abdomen.
•The back is also made strong by practice of this asana.
•This asana is beneficial in diabetes and piles that improves digestion.
•It removes flatulence.
•It strengthens the shoulders and neck.
•It opens and develops the chest, gives relaxation and removes over weight.
•It makes the vertebral column elastic and flexible.
•It stimulates blood circulation in the muscles and the nerves of the arms and the hands.
•It cures the swelling in the thighs and strengthens the loins.
•It improves concentration power.
•This asana is also capable of improving the functioning of the sound box.

Precaution of Tolangulasana

•Those suffering from pain in spine or neck, or having complaint of ulcer in stomach should avoid this asana.
•People with weak abdominal muscles or those suffering from colitis should not practice this asana without proper guidance.
•If anyone has undergone any surgery in the stomach then he should avoid Tolangulasana.

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