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Thought Vibration
Just as there are waves of heat, light, electricity and energy, the presence of some thought waves are also there. Thought has tremendous power. The power of thought vibration depends on the level of concentration.

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Thought Vibration, Concentration The world is the materialization of the thought forms of Divine Intelligence. It exists as vibration. Just as there are waves of heat, light, electricity and energy, the presence of some thought waves are also there. Thought has tremendous power. Everybody experiences it to some degree. It could be used a thousand times more effectively if one had a comprehensive understanding of the workings of thought vibration. The techniques for controlling them, and the method of transmitting them to others at a distance should also be learnt. Hidden psychic and occult powers are awakened by understanding and realizing the powers of the mind. One can see distant objects, hear distant sounds, send messages to any part of the universe, heal people thousands of miles away, and move to distant places in no time. There is no limit to the power of the human mind, which has learned to merge with the Cosmic Mind.

The power of concentration can go to any extent. When flowing loosely over a wide area, every force in nature moves more slowly and with less power. But if it is gathered in one mass and directed through a single restricted outlet, it moves faster. Dammed and accumulated, the once sluggish and leisurely flow of a river rushes out with amazing force through the sluice. The warm rays of the sun focused through a magnifying glass become hot enough to burn objects. Such is the power generated by the concentration of force. This natural law is also applicable to all branches of human activities. Mental concentration is the fixing of the mind for an extended period of time on one external or internal point. There can be no concentration without something on which the gathered rays of the mind can rest. It must be a single object or idea. People sometimes pride themselves on being able to think of two things at once. The mind does not work in this way. Its oscillating waves are merely bouncing back and forth with lightning velocity between the two ideas. Mind can do only one thing at a time. Those who imagine that a mundane chore such as dish-washing goes faster if they are thinking of palm trees and a sunny beach are fooling themselves. Their mental waves are moving between the daydream and the task at hand. The attention actually given to the work is slowed down because of the constant interruptions. And in this way, the hands slow down too. On the other hand if the mind is one-pointed, it is expected to finish the job in half the time.

Thought Vibration, Concentration If someone is deeply engrossed in a novel or television show, he or she cannot hear any outside sound or noise. If somebody approaches, that person will not see him. Nor will smell the fragrance of the roses on the table by the side. This is concentration or one-pointedness of mind fixed firmly on one thing.Everybody possesses the ability to concentrate to some degree. Conscious practice of this innate ability strengthens the thought currents, clarifies ideas and utilizes some of the immense latent power of the mind. One cloudy and hazy thing becomes clear and definite. Difficult, complex and confusing thing becomes easy. One is able to work with greater efficiency, to turn out more work in less time. Concentration can also prevent or minimize the problems of senility. After the age of thirty, man`s brain cells die off at the rate of 100,000 per day and are not replaced. It is vital to strengthen and make the best use of one`s declining capacity. The person who practices concentration retains clear mental vision.

With utmost concentrated attention the surgeon operates on his patient. Deepest absorption marks the state of the technician, engineer, architect or painter engaged in drawing the minute details of a plan, in which accuracy is of the highest importance. The same concentration is necessary on the spiritual path, where the aspirant must deal with the internal forces. It must be developed to a very high degree if progress is required. Practice demands patience, will, untiring persistence and regularity. There are no shortcuts along the spiritual path. In Yoga as well as in other spiritual disciplines, concentration is the first stage of meditation, which in turn leads ultimately to experience of God. Most people think that meditation is concentration. The focusing power of the mind is brought to bear on one abstract or uplifting symbol. When all extraneous waves are stilled, one goes straight to the Source like a truly shot arrow. There are many streets leading to the heart of a city. One should reach it by following one of them, not by wandering from route to route.

According to Aviate or monistic Vedanta, all are the creation of God. Intense concentration on any symbol can, therefore, eventually lead to God-Realization. Abstract symbols which are not emotional uplift the mind. These symbols are more effective than those that are emotionally coloured. These Abstract symbols usually drag the mind downward. Although the mind is controlled during concentration, the point at which it becomes meditation cannot be controlled. One falls into meditation much as one falls into sleep. Meditation is the continuous flow of one thought of the Supreme. It is the identification of the individual with God, and is experienced like a constant flow of oil from one vessel to another.

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