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Terms of Basketball
Terms of Basketball gives the approach to the apprentice and the professionals how to play and what to play.

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Terms of BasketballTerms of Basketball are defined with the elaborate discussions how the basketball moves and what the professionals use while playing the basketball.

The terms are used in the game of Basketball, not only in India, but laos in the other parts of the world. Basketball in India is guided by a management team and it has issued a guideline, how to play and the ethical code of basketball.

The people, who are familiar with the game, may very easily recognise the terms. Here are the terms given for those who knows a very little about the game. The terms in basketball are:

Basket or Backboard
In a Basketball game, the basket of a team is normally consists of the basket ring and net. The players of the team try to shoot the ball through this net. In the first half of a match, the visiting team has the choice of baskets. The basket they select remains its basket for the first half. In the second half, the teams change their baskets. The referee considers all the overtime periods as extensions of the second half. Normally, there are five sides of the backboard that are considered in play when the basketball contacts it. The sides are the front, two sides, bottom and the top. The backside of the backboard and the area just behind the basket are considered as out-of-bounds.

The referee may call it as `Blocking` if any player makes an illegal personal contact that can impede the progress of an opponent player.

A foul is usually an illegal physical contact with an opponent that occurs within the duration of time between the ball has become live and the horn sounds to end the period. If the personal foul occurs after time expires, the personal foul should be overlooked, provided it was not unsporting. However, there are some exceptions:

1) If a player commits the foul while shooting and the shooter releases the ball before the time on the game clock expires, then the referee will treat the foul in the same manner as it is treated in any similar play.

2) The player does a technical foul when he makes any unsporting conduct or his team members on the floor or seated on the bench violates any rule. It can also be referred to the illegal contact that occurred with an opponent before the ball became live.

3) If in a situation, any two opponents commit personal fouls at almost the same time, the referee may rule it as a double foul.

4) When a player makes an illegal contact when he is offending after the ball is live and his team is in control, he will be guilty for an offensive foul.

5) In case of a player making an illegal contact after the ball is alive, when his team is not in control, he is ruled as committed a loose ball foul.

6) If a player makes an unsporting contact with his elbow whether the ball is dead or alive, the referee calls it as an elbow foul.

7) A flagrant foul occurs when a player makes an unnecessary and/or excessive contact against an opponent whether the ball is dead or alive.

8) When the ball is dead or alive and a player makes a punch to an opponent, the referee calls it as a punching foul.

9) A player will be called as guilty for an away-from-the-play foul if he makes an illegal contact as a defender in the last two minutes of the game. He will also be guilty if he does the same in overtimes. He may commit it (a) deliberately away from the immediate area of offensive action, and/or (2) before the ball is released on a throw-in.

Free Throw
This is a special privilege given a player to score one point by an attempt without any obstruction. He can do it from directly behind the free throw line. However, he must make the attempt within 10 seconds.

Frontcourt and Backcourt
The frontcourt of a team consists of the part of the court between the end line and the nearer edge of the midcourt line. It also includes the basket and a part of the backboard. The backcourt of a team consists of the entire midcourt line and the rest of the court. The opponent`s basket and inbounds part of the backboard are also including in it.

Held Ball
When two opponent players have one or both of their hands firmly on the ball or a defensive player touches the ball and causes the offensive player to return to the floor with the ball in his continuous possession, a held ball occurs. The referee should not call it unless both the players have their hands so firmly on the ball that none of them can gain sole possession without undue force. While lying or sitting on the floor, a player has an opportunity to throw the ball if he got it. However, if there is any danger of injury, a held ball must be called.

The term `Traveling` means to progress in any direction while in possession of the ball.

This is a legal action from a player who delays or prevents an opponent from reaching a desired position without causing undue contact.

Field Goal Attempt
If a player attempts to shoot the ball into his basket for a field goal, it is called as a field goal attempt. According to the official`s judgment, when a player has started his shooting motion, the act of shooting starts. It continues he ceases the shooting motion and returns to a normal floor position. It is not necessary that the ball leave the shooter`s hand. The term can also be used to indicate the flight of the ball unless it becomes dead or a player touches it. A tap during a jump ball or rebound will not be considered a field goal attempt. However, the goal shall count whenever a live ball is in flight toward the rim from the playing court, even if the time expires or the official`s whistle sounds. The referee will not count a field goal if the time on the game clock expires before the ball leaves the player`s hand or the ball is in flight toward the rim.

The term `Throw-in` means a method of putting the ball in play from out-of-bounds. It begins when the team or player who have it clears the ball and it ends when the ball is released by the thrower-in.

Last Two Minutes
This term is used when the game clock shows 2:00. This indicates that the game is in the two-minute period.

Suspension of Play
If the official thinks that they should retrieve an errant ball, re-set the timing devices, give delay-of-game warning, give inadvertent whistle or any other unusual circumstance, they can suspend the play. None of the two teams is allowed to substitute during such a suspension. During this period, the defensive team may also not be granted a timeout. The play will be resumed at the point of interruption.

Point of Interruption
This is the position of the ball where it was located when the whistle sound.

Team Control in Basketball team
When a player is holding, dribbling or passing the ball, his team is considered to be in control. If the defensive team deflects the ball or there is a field goal attempt, the `Team Control` ends.

Team Possession in Basketball
The `Team Possession` also means the situation when a player is holding, dribbling or passing the ball. `Team Possession` comes to an end when the defensive team gains the ball possession or there is a field goal attempt that hits the rim.

Fumble in Basketball
This term "fumble" has its literary meaning. If a player who is holding the ball fumbles it out of his control, it is called as `Fumble`. The player may recover the ball. If his pivot foot moves to recover the ball, he will have to then pass or shoot the ball. However, Indian Basketball Player retains his status before the fumble if he fumbles and recovers it without moving his pivot foot and before the ball touches the floor.

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