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Techniques of Spiritual Energy Massage
It is to awaken the kundalini or the seven charkas of the body so that the body can rhythm with the environment.

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Techniques of Spiritual Energy MassageSpiritual energy massage is a procedure to awaken the kundalini. Touching the kundalini is a difficult task. The yogasanas, dhyanas and pranayamas, meditation etc are the lengthy process to awaken the Kundalini. Instead of going through this tedious process, spiritual energy massage is done so that the kundalini is stimulated. This massage works only to rejuvenate the kundalinis and complete benefit cannot be achieved.

To perform spiritual energy massage, both the skills of reflexology and ayurvedic massages are required. This spiritual energy massage involves all the seven charkas of the body that regulates body`s metabolic activity.

The mooladhara chakra focuses on the increase of sexual desires and fantasies. So Spiritual energy massage should not be started from mooladhara chakra, instead it should be initiated from the anahata (heart) chakra. When anahata chakra is massaged it opens and the emotional equilibrium is set which also helps to develop other charkas.

The anahata chakra in turn activates the Manipura chakra, Visudhhi chakra, swadhisthana chakra , ajna chakra and mooladhara chakra successively. Finally the sahasrara chakra or the crown chakra is activated. During the spiritual energy massage mild music is played and incense sticks are burned to create a divine environment. The colorful cloths are used to match the color of the respective charkas. Also some spots are made with different colors like yellow, blue, red, gray etc. and basil leaves and rose water along with cow`s ghee in yellow, red, blue and gray colored transparent bottle are made ready. The spiritual energy massage is performed through thirty minutes.

The chakra wise messages are-
Anahata Chakra - To do the massage the person is laid down in a comfortable posture. The patient is asked to visualize smoky gray color. On the patient`s chest a cloth of smoky gray color is placed with a symbol of two triangles with their apexes in opposite direction and a circle in the middle with twelve petals. The symbol is to synchronize expression of life with the biological rhythm of the body. The heart chakra point is directly below the last two toes of the left foot only, where the cow`s ghee is applied. This point is massaged with circular movement for two minutes and then is pressed for about half minute. The patient will feel a warm feeling and a pleasant pulsation during this treatment.

Manipura Chakra- A red colored cloth with a symbol of triangle pointing downward and a flower with ten petals is placed on the umbilicus of the person. The patient is asked to visualize red and cow`s ghee from the red colored bottle is massaged at the pit of the arch of both the feet where the solar plexus point is located. The massaging should be done in circular movements and the duration should be two and a half minutes for each foot with the pressure exerted for total five minutes. The massage helps to get rid off all the fears.

Vishuddhi Chakra- The patient is asked to concentrate on the blue spot. Massage the points of Vishuddhi Chakra on both the feet for two and half minutes in each foot. The chakra point is located at the inner rim of the ball of the feet. The massaging is performed in semicircular movement and the massage brings harmony and purification of the mental state of the patient.

Swadhisthana Chakra- In this massage bluish color cloth is placed on the person`s umbilicus and the person is asked to visualize the same color. The chakra point is situated right below the little toe of the left foot only. The massaging is done with the cow`s ghee from a blue colored bottle. The massage involves circular movements for two minutes with a steady pressure for about half a minute. The patient feels a sensation of warmness in the upper abdomen.

Ajna Chakra(the inner eye)-Basil leaf is kept between the eyebrows on the forehead. Ajna is not associated with any real color or symbol and hence the person is kept in the tranquil atmosphere and is not asked to concentrate on any color. Cow`s ghee is used to massage either feet or only the outer rim of the big toes. The duration is two and half minutes for each foot.

Mooladhara Chakra(Root Chakra)- The genital region is covered with yellow colored cloth with a symbol of four petals in it. In the cloth there is a triangle in the center with its apex pointing downwards and a square with four petals. Cow`s ghee from the yellow colored bottle is used to massage at points on the inner rim of the heel on both the feet for two and half minutes for each foot. This massage is performed to enhance the sexual desire and wellness. It also triggers the sexual capacity and has beneficial effect on migraine and bladder problems.

Sahasrara Chakra(Crown Chakra)- The patient is asked to visualize bright light. A basil leaf is placed on `Brahma Randhra`(the interior fontanel). This is the most powerful chakra and is considered as the highest center of energy. Massage is done on the inner side of the big toe. The massage is started with the rotation movement and the chakra points on both the feet for two and a half minutes and total five minutes. This chakra is linked up between soul and body. It is said that cosmic energy is received through the pituitary gland and from there the impulse passes in the thymus gland, which is finally connected to the heart chakra.

The Chakra massage yields better result when performed by a professional. When spiritual energy massage is done regularly one may experience yoga nidra or the highest spiritual power.

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