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Suryayoga Sadhanas
Surya Swami, the Preacher of Suryayoga has given Sadhanas for the wellbeing of people.

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Suryayoga SadhanasSurya Swami, the preacher of Suryayoga has given the following sadhanas:


•Look directly at the sun as it rises or sets.
•Stand facing east at sunrise or west for sunset.
•Make sanklap to sun; look at the sun for a moment.
•Say the following: "You are my first guru. You are my nearest and dearest friend and you know what I need."
•Rub forehead and place silver or copper coin in 3rd eye position.
•Keep hands in Sun mudra position.
•Sit comfortably with back straight on a mat or chair.
•Place hands in Sun symbol position and keep touching body.
•Breathe through the coin in 3rd eye position.
•With each `in` breathe feel the `love energy` from the sun coming into 3rd eye.
•Breathe out all negativity and problems.
•One may repeat this affirmation coordinating it with breath: "Love in - Negativity out"
•Stay in this gazing position for 15 - 30 min.

Note: If Sun is too bright and the practitioner finds it difficult to gaze, he can bend his head and look at the sun through his eyebrows. New people can slowly increase gazing time from 5 min, increasing every 3rd day. Additional minute: While gazing, if the practitioner feels like, he can talk with God.

Meditation with Closed Eyes (duration 10-20 minutes)

•See the light in 3rd eye.
•Breathe in the love energy into 3rd eye.
•Breathe out the love energy throughout the body.
•Affirmation: "Love in - Love throughout"
•Now direct that love energy into heart.
•Feel heart filling with curative energies.
•As the blood flows through the heart, each molecule, each cell in blood is becoming energized and illumined.
•Move this energized blood to all parts of the body.
•The organs and glands are feeling very strong and healthy now.
•Experience the light everywhere.
•The light is all around the practitioner.
•The light is in the practitioner.
•The practitioner is the Light! Repeat mentally 3 times this affirmation - with conviction: "I am the Luminous Love Light of the World."
•Lastly, release the hand position and with eyes closed, bend down.
•Touch mother earth with palms and forehead.
•Take 2-3 deep breaths and let everything go.
•Come back to sitting Namaskar position.
•Rub hands together and palm the eyes.
•Feel the healing energy entering eyes.
•Blink 6-7 times getting used to the light.
•Slowly open the eyes.
•Bring hands in folded prayer position.
•The practitioner should bless himself.
•Surrender to the absolute, the supreme power.
•Wish everyone around with a loving smile and happiness.

Circle of Light

•Stand and clap minimum 324 times for good health.
•Squat and do kundalini blast: Pataki 3x, Boom 2x, Sizzle 1x, Silent 1x.
•"Ho - Ha" sound: (10 sec each direction) up/down, front, sideways, below, fast up/down - directional blessings.
•Face each direction and loudly say: "Oh Lord, grant us peace (East)" health (South), property (West), faith and unconditional love (North).
•Receive energy from the cosmos - with outstretched arms.
•Finally, sing a devotional song - encompassing all religions.
•Spread the light and love on one and all.

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