Gold and silver work is very close in antagonism with Bandhani(tie and dye) in the Kutch district. It is commonly known as Kutchwork`. Kutch is famous for it superior silver work, both of the design and engraving of jewellery.
Traditionally, the craft repays a lot in the significance to the magnificent patronage attached with inheritance skill and workmanship. Another reason which contributed to the increase of silver technique in Kutch district was importing gold and exporting silver goods without paying much of traditions holy being. With the arrival of Independence and the disappearance of the investment of generous state, the skill has been directed a place backside. But the fundamental advantage is also the constant demand for silver jewellery of traditional designs by the restricted population has come to free of this technique.
Silver engraving (kutch work)
Engraved articles of Kutch are evidence of the highly intricate workmanship of these craftmen. The article to be engraved is moulded into the required size and shape. Then it is filled with kil and the outlines of the designs to be used are marked on its surface. Engraving is done with the help of engraving tools and a hammer.
After the completion of the engraving work the article is made smooth and washed with acid to get a brilliant, glittering piece of work. Trays, surai (Pots), Cups, Shields, Photo frames, gulabdani and pandanni are produced in Bhuj.
Silver Jewellery
Silver is mixed with Zinc to make the silver into workable pieces. Articles are polished with emery paper as well as by using acids. For soldering articles, a mixture of tankankar,navsar and surokhar are used. Traditional communities such as Rabari, Ahir, Bharvad, Kadva Patidar, Leva patidar, Harijan, Jat still make use of the jewellery used by their forefathers.