Sena Medal
Sena Medal (Army) is usually awarded to all the army personals who deliver high level of exceptional devotion to duty or courage as is especially significant for Indian Army. The award is can be awarded posthumously and every act of courage shall add a new bar to the medal.

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Sena Medal, Indian Defence AwardSena Medal which is mainly awarded for gallantry and bravery is distinguished for all the army personals which include the person below officer rank as well. This includes all those who have carried out distinguished services at the face of the enemy. The Sena Medal also serves as a sort of commendation medal for the Indian armed forces. Like other medals this too receives a monthly stipend of Rs. 250 for the recipients from the central government which has been further revised to Rs. 500. This award is preceded by Vir chakra, Shaurya Chakra, and Yudh Seva Medal and in turn precedes Vishishta Seva Medal.

Sena Medal which was established in 17th June 1960 is a circular silver medal with a bayonet pointed upward. This medal has been most encouraging for all the army personals who lay their life time services in the honour of the nation as well as the army. The medal on its reverse bears a standing soldier with the legend engraved in Hindi Sena Medal. The medal is suspended with straight bars and is named on the edge which sometimes bears the date of issuing as well. This medal is suspended with a ribbon which is 32mm, width, red in colour and 2mm white strip at the centre. While the red portion covers 15mm on the right, 2mm in the centre and 15mm on the left. The Sena Medal has its counter part in the form of Nao Sena Medal and Vayu Sena Medal. Three of them are the initial medals which encourage the young officers as well as other defence personals for their contribution to their motherland.

Thus, Sena medal adds to India`s pride in encouraging its own people for sacrificing their life time for the boundaries of the sub continent which remain secured with the effort of all the defence personals who maintain not only international stability but also national security.

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