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Root Chakra
The Root Chakra or Mooladhara Chakra is first of the Chakras, situated at the base of spine.

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Root ChakraMooladhara chakra is the Sanskrit name for Root Chakra. This is the first Chakra, which is lowest in human beings but highest in animals. In males, it is located midway between the anus and genitals in the perineum and in females it is situated at the cervix where the vagina and the uterus join.

Mooladhara Chakra provides group consciousness, in which animals live and identify themselves with family, race and religion and arouse the sense of nationality. This energy is extremely useful in any war, which may be considered as its negative aspect. In its positive aspect, the Root Chakra inspires one to be loving, passionate and warm and feel sympathize to whom those who share our identity in family relationship and connected to us in context of community and nationality.

The root Chakra is about being physically active and feeling at home situations. When it is open, one feels grounded, stable and secure. It gives the sense of territory and one does not unnecessarily distrust people. When Root Chakra is under active one feels fearful or nervous. If the Chakra is overactive, one might become materialistic and greedy and feel obsessed with being secure and resist change.

The Mooladhara Chakra, according to Hindu opinion is a four-petaled deep red lotus flower. Its color is red, which represents the color of passion and emotional love. The numerical connected to Root Chakra is four. Four is the number of manifestation of matter. The element that represents Root Chakra is earth. Focussing one`s attention on the color of a cherry popsicle or a juicy red apple can help to bring our energy down to the earth and equalizes with the physical body when one is energetically fluttering.

The Mooladhara Chakra, located at the base of spine is attached with red color and gives kinesthetic feelings. Spiritually it gives material world lessons. When Mooladhara Chakra does not function properly many physical dysfunction occurs like lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors, depression, and immunity related disorders. The Chakra is connected with many mental and emotional issues like survival, self-esteem, social order, security and family related issues.The information stored inside Root Chakra are- familial beliefs, superstitions, loyalty, instincts, physical pleasure, pain and sense of touch. The Mooladhara Chakra works upon the areas like spinal column, kidneys, legs, feet, rectum, immune system etc. Different foods that fuel the Root Chakra are root vegetables like carrots, vegetables, parsnips, radishes, beets, onion, garlic; protein rich food like eggs, meats, soy products, bean, tofu, peanut butter; and spices like horseradish, hot paprika, chives, cayenne, pepper.

Gemstones and flower essence stimulate, cleanse and energize Root Chakra. The Gemstones associated with Mooladhara Chakra are hematite; black tourmaline, onyx etc and the essences that stimulate Root Chakra are corn, clematis and rosemary.

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