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Param Vir Chakra
Param Vir Chakra is India’s one of the highest gallantry awards which is awarded to the bravest who has fought for his nation without caring for his own life and security. Along with other awards it holds great honour which has been the ambition of every defence person who is fighting for the pride of his nation.

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Param Vir ChakraParam Vir Chakra which honoured to the one whose most conspicuous bravery or some daring and pre eminent acts of valour or self sacrifice, in the presence of the enemy, whether on land, in the sea or in air, which saved his nation`s pride was introduced along with the Victoria Cross and other gallantry awards was formally introduced in 26th January 1950 which is to be personally received from the Indian President. The second highest award which is handed over to the enlisted personals of Indian Military is Maha Vir Chakra

Param Vir Chakra was designed by Savitri Khanolkar, born as Eva Yuonne Linda Maday-de-Maros with Hungarian father and Russian mother married to Vikram Khanolkar , an officer of Indian National Army. The medal which is a circular bronze disc with 1.375 inches in diameter holds the state emblem at the centre on a raised circle. Surrounded with colourful ribbons the metal short of the symbol is a piece of metal which has been decorated with the signs of Vajra (thunderbolts) which shall serve the purpose of Param vir Chakra. The Param Vir Chakra of present day is supposed to reflect the great mysterious weapons of the Vedic origin which should as effective as the Amogha Astra( unfailing weapons) used by Indra to kill Vitra , the demon of drought, to release the water for the benefit of people. Formally introduced on the republic day of India this award is one the great prides of Indian Military forces which shall grant Rs 1500 pm to its recipients.

Param Vir Chakra has included the most valuable soldiers of India every year. Along with others who received Param Vir Chakra due to their exemplary fearless fight in Kargil in 1999; Major Somnath Sharma who was the first recipient of Param Vir Chakra and Captain Vikram Batra who received the award during his fight in Kargil, belonged to the same village from the state of Himachal Pradesh. The others have been enlisted in the following table.

Number Name Regiment Date Place
IC- 521 Major Somnath Sharma 4th battalion, Kumaon Regiment 11/3/1947 Badgam, Kashmir
IC- 22356 Lance Naik Karam Singh Ist battalion, Sikh regiment 10/13/1948 Kashmir
SS-14246 Second Lieutenant Rama Raghobe Rane Corps of engineers 4/8/1948 Kashmir
27373 Naik Jadu Nath Singh Ist battalion, Rajput regiment February 1948 Kashmir
2831592 Company Havildar major Piru Singh Shekhawat 6th regiment Rajputana rifles 7/17/1948 -
IC-8497 Captain Gurbachan Singh Salaria 3rd battalion Gurkha rifles 12/5/1961 Congo
IC-7990 Major Dhan Singh Thapa Ist battalion , 8th Gurkha rifles October 1962 Ladakh India
JC-4547 Subedar Joginder Singh Ist battalion , Sikh regiment October 1962 Northeast Frontier Agency India
IC-7990 Major Shaitan Singh 13th battalion, Kumaon Regiment November 1962 Rezang la
2639885 Company Quarter Master Havildar Abdul Hamid 4th battalion, The grenadiers September 1965 Chima Khem Karan sector
IC- 5565 Lieutanent Colonel Ardeshir Burzoji Tarapore 17th Poona Horses October 1965 Sialkot sector , Pakistan
4239765 Lance Naik Albert Ekka 14th battalion, Brigades of the gaurds December 1971 Ganga sagar
10877 F(P) Flying officer Nirmal Jit Singh Sekhon No.18 Squardon, Indian Air Force December 1971 Srinagar, Kashmir
IC- 25067 2/ lieutanent Arun Khetrapal 17th Poona Horses December 1971 Shakargarh sector
IC -14608 Major Hoshiyar Singh 3rd battalion , The grenadiers December 1971 Shakargarh sector
JC-155825 Naib Subedar Bana Singh 8th battalion, Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry 6/23/1987 Siachin glacier Jammu and Kashmir
IC 32907 Major Ramaswamy Paramesharan 8th battalion, Mahar regiment November 1987 Srilanka
IC- 56959 Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey Ist battalion, 18th Gurkha rifles 7/3/1999 Kargil Kashmir
2690572 Grenedier Yoginder Singh Yadav 18th battalion, The Grenadiers 7/4/1999 Kargil Kashmir
13760533 Rifleman Sanjay Kumar 13th battalion Jammu and Kashmir rifles 7/5/1999 Kargil Kashmir
IC- 57556 Captain Vikram Batra 13th battalion, Jammu and Kashmir rifles 7/6/1999 Kargil Kashmir

Thus, Param vir chakra reminds us about the glorious fights fought by these legendary personalities who not only saved the nation`s boundaries but also represent the braveness with which every Indian has been groomed and trained who understand no compromises in case bravery.

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