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Padahastasana - Yoga Asana
Padahastasana is a cultural asana that is also known as the forward bending asana. It is the seventh posture in the series of Hatha yoga positions.

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Padahastasana, Cultural AsanasPadahastasana is Cultural Yoga Asana which is an intense forward bend and has great health effects on the body. It is one of the 12 basic postures of Hatha yoga. It is also the third pose of Surya Namaskar, the sun salutation sequence. It is believed to reduce tamas, which means heaviness or inertia in the body. The main purpose of the asana is to bend down as far as one can with the spine and legs straight. Padahastasana is the technique of making the body healthy and the mind calm.

Padahastasana is so named as while practicing it; one has to bring his/her hands near the legs by bending forward at the waist. In Sanskrit language, the word "pada" means foot and "hasta" refers to the hand therefore, it is also called "hand to foot pose".

Practice of Padahastasana
The steps of Padahastasana are simple but it is advisable to consult with an expert before practicing. The following are the Steps of Padahastasana:

Stand erect, legs together, hands by the side of the thighs.
Look in front.
Slowly bend forward, as much as possible.
Bend a little more and try to place the palms, with fingers pointing forward, on the ground on either side of the legs.
Place the forehead between the knees and breathe out.
Hold this pose for 5-6 relaxed breaths and return to the original position.

In the beginning, one should practice for 15-20 seconds, increasing the duration over time.

Effects of Padahastasana
Padahastasana is an inverted posture which provides innumerable health benefits. This cultural asana is beneficial in indigestion. It prevents stiffness of spine as this yoga asana stretches and lengthens the entire spine. It also stretches the hamstrings on the back of the legs. Those who face pain in hip joints, sciatica and suffer from breathing problem can practice Padahastasana. It invigorates the nervous system as it increase the supply of blood to the brain. Padahastasana effectively removes fat from the abdomen.

Precautions for Padahastasana
While performing Padahastasana, one must carefully bend forward and relax the back muscles. Those suffering from severe back problems, spinal disorder like a slipped disc, high blood pressure and heart disease should avoid this asana.

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