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Neti is a process that is done with an intention to the cleaning of air passage in the head.

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Neti, ShatkarmaNeti is an ancient process that is done with an intention to the cleaning of air passage in the head. It is an integral part of Hindu Shatkarma which is the yogic system of body cleansing techniques. Both the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and other sources attribute to Neti many beneficial effects. The process of this cleansing technique clears the nasal passages, the pharynx, and the sinus cavities. Neti helps in destroying the diseases of the cervical and scapular regions. There are two main types of Netis including jala neti and sutra neti.

Jala Neti
Jala neti is done by pouring lukewarm isotonic salt water into one nostril, so that it leaves through the other. This is repeated on the other side and the nose is dried by bending forward and by rapid breathing.

The practitioner can also sniff the water in so that it runs into the mouth, and to spit it out. In a more advanced reverse variant, the practitioner can take the water in through the mouth and snorted out of the nose.

In jal neti, the practitioner uses a neti pot. He uses a small vessel with a spout to pour water into one nostril.

Sutra Neti
Sutra neti is an advanced form of yogic nasal cleansing. It is used to clear the nose and remove nasal polyps. In this process, a length of wet string is carefully inserted through the nose and into the mouth. The end is pulled out of the mouth and while holding both ends at once the string is alternately pulled in.
Neti, Shatkarma
Benefits of Neti
Neti ensures innumerable powerful physical, psychological and spiritual benefits. Some of them are as follows:

•Neti provides immediate relief from respiratory disorders like sinusitis, allergy, asthma, hay fever etc.
•It cures problems of eyes and ears like certain types of deafness, myopia etc.
•It improves concentration and stimulates better powers of visualization.
•It calms and refreshes the mind.
•It provides relief from headaches, migraine, depression, and mental tensions.
•This process also cures snoring during sleep.

Precautions about Neti

•One should not practice neti if the nose is blocked with cold or bleeding or infected internally.
•Also one should avoid practicing it at night times.

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