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Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is a kind of physical and meditative yoga which has various techniques of utilizing the senses, mind and body in order to obtain a very peaceful and relaxed link between the soul and the body of an individual.

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Kundalini YogaKundalini Yoga is a mental, physical and spiritual discipline constructed around the meditative and physical techniques which were found in the teachings of Shakti Yoga, Raja Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Tantra Yoga, Nada Yoga, Laya Yoga and the principles and sutras of Patanjali. Kundalini Yoga is a form of meditative and physical yoga which comprises of several techniques by using the body, mind and senses and the result received is a relaxing and peaceful communication between the body and the soul.

Kundalini Yoga provides special concern to the function of the endocrine system and the spine, which form a vital part in yogic awakening. This yoga puts stress on the spiritual and psychological growth and the capability of body in order to attain maturity. The chakras or psychic centers inside the human body are regarded as the center for generating spiritual power and this power is known as Kundalini energy. The life force or Prana is believed to be in a dormant state in the human body. Kundalini is the budding form of prana. It is the force preserved in the shape of a coiled serpent and this serpent is believed to take rest in a dormant state inside Mooladhara Chakra.

Etymology of Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini YogaIn Sanskrit language, the term "Kundalini" literally means something that is coiled. It is considered to be taking rest at the basal portion of human"s spine and can awake and spring up when excited by the disciplines of spirituality known as "Kundalini Yoga".

Importance of Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga practice consists of several bodily postures, utterances, expressive movements and breathing patterns, characterological cultivations and the levels of concentration. Like various other yoga forms, Kundalini Yoga also relates movement along with breath. The way it varies is its direct focus on the movement of energy through the system of chakra, motivating energy in the chakras of the lower portion and moving the same to the higher chakras. This Yoga wakes up the energy which resides in a dormant state in the spine. Even if Kundalini Yoga is greatly a physical pattern of yoga, the major benefit from it is received by the inner experience. Famously called the "Yoga of Awareness", this yoga arouses the unlimited capability which exists there inside all individuals. When the unlimited potential is roused in the human body, it provides raised intuition and clarity of mind as well as the potential for creativeness. In Kundalini Yoga, the sustaining and creating Shakti of the entire body is truly and actually unified with Lord Shiva. The awakening of Kundalini Shakti and Her subsequent Union with Lord Shiva impacts the Samadhi state or Ecstatic union and spiritual experience or Anubhava.

If practiced on a regular basis, Kundalini is able to equalize the glandular system, fortify the nervous system and tie together the energy of emotion and mind as well as of the body. While the yoga technique in general focus mainly on breathing and exercise postures, Kundalini assumes yoga concepts by taking a step ahead by incorporating them into the activities of daily life. Kundalini Yoga, along with right changes of lifestyle, has the potential to put the nervous, digestive, cardiovascular, glandular, lymphatic and various other working systems of a human body in good working condition. This can also transform several ordinary figures of human beings into streamlined physiques. It is the only exercise system which recognizes the grandness of glandular balance with regard to mental and physical health. The Kundalini Yoga is having a direct effect on an individual`s ability to feel great and look great. The feeling of well-being comes because of relaxation and increased energy which is being provided by Kundalini Yoga, and confidence and self-discovery is felt when one pays heed to his inner life. Emotional balance helps one to become the master of his/her life and not permit immanent state of mind to overcast one`s ability of taking clear decisions and acting as per one`s true values. The potential to taste, touch, see and feel with sensitivity, and to present one`s perception into the fabric of knowledge is achieved through the practice of Kundalini Yoga. The practice of Kundalini Yoga is able to help achieve anything possible.Kundalini Yoga

Power of Kundalini
Kundalini is considered to be an evolutionary force which resides in a dormant condition in the basal portion of a human being"s spine. When this dormant force is aroused, it springs up with tremendous force and makes the chakras very much active, bring in mystical vision, spiritual knowledge, psychic powers and at last the great enlightenment.

Kundalini Chakras
In Hinduism as well as in the spiritual systems of yoga, a chakra is considered to be an energy node which is present in the body of a human being. The seven prominent chakras are explained as being arrayed in an ascending column, starting from the bottom of the spine to upper portion of the head. Each chakra is linked with a specific colour, a form of consciousness, a classical factor, and various other unique characteristics. These chakras are believed to boost the body of an individual and to associate it with exchanges of both a mental and physical nature. They are regarded as Prana, which is believed to flow along the pathways known as Nadis. These seven chakras mirror how the united consciousness of a human being is divided in order to manage a number of varied aspects of the life in the earth.

The activation of Kundalini calls for a purification of the body, the Nadis, the mind and also the intellect through a regular and constant practice of Kundalini Yoga.

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