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Activities of the woman in king`s Harem
The part V chapter VI, of Vatsayana`s Kamasutra deals with the activities of the woman in king`s harem

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Though the woman of the royal harem are always deprived of other man or desired satisfaction, they always crave for those things. They don`t even get their own husband regularly as he has many other wives. Because of all these reasons they tries to find pleasure among each other in various ways discussed below.

The daughters of the nurse, female friends, or female attendants are often dressed like man and bulbs, roots and fruits are usually used as lingam; the whole process accomplish when they lie down on the status of a male figure, in which the lingam is visible and erect. Some kings usually use some medicines to satisfy different wives in the same night, some others practice sexual arts only with their favorite wives. While some other enjoy them according to their particular turn. These ways of enjoyment are mainly common in Eastern Countries; the means of enjoyment of female is applicable to male also.

The ladies of the royal harem sometimes tell their attendants to arrange some men from outside to satisfy their desire. The daughter of the nurse or the female attendant then get the man inside the palace in the disguise like the dress of a woman. They usually tell the man about the good fortune attending it, the large size of the premises, the carelessness of the sentinels, and the irregularities of the attendants about the persons of the royal wives. But they should never bring based on false talks because this can harm in any way and proved to be disastrous.

Kamasutra says that a man should not enter in a royal harem because it can lead to some danger. If he really wants to enter sometime he should see the following points, whether there is an easy way to get out, it is closely surrounded by the pleasure garden, it has separate enclosures belonging to it, the sentinels are careless, or whether the king has gone abroad. The man can also make friendship with the sentinels or by any means can enter in to the palace but he should be careful enough. He can also take the help of a mediator better known as go-between to fulfill his purpose. When a go-between has no access to the harem, then the man should stand in some place where the lady, whom he loves can be seen.

Duyana Brahmans and Jogashiras prescribe other means of invisibility. Kamasutra affirms that man can also enter in the harem at the time of festival of the eighth moon in the month of Nargashirsha, or during the moonlight festival. At that time the female attendants remain busy with the activities and taking the help of this confusion he can take the entry.

There are some principles laid down on this subject. The entrance of young men into harems, and their exit from them, generally take place when

•Things are being brought into the palace,
• When things are being taken out of it,
•When drinking festivals are going on,
•When the female attendants are in a hurry,
•When the residence of some of the royal ladies is being changed,
•When the king`s wives go to gardens, or to fairs,
• When they enter the palace on their return from them,
•Lastly, when the king is absent on a long pilgrimage.

Vatsayana in Kamasutra suggests that when a young man who knows everyone in a harem and is enjoying sex with everyone the matter should be kept quite and no one should know about what is happening. The people outside the harem should not know it also.

In the country of the Aparatakas the royal ladies are not well protected, and consequently the women who have access to the royal palace pass many young men into the harem. Again the wives of the king of the Ahira country satisfy their desire with the Kashtriyas, the sentinels in the harem. The royal ladies of the Vatsagulmas allow men as are suitable to enter into the harem along with their female messengers.

In the Stri-rajya the king`s caste fellows and relations enjoy his wives. In the Ganda country Brahmans, friends, servants and slaves enjoy the royal wives. In the Samdhava country servants, foster children, etc. enjoy the women of the harem. In the country of the Haimavatas adventurous citizens bribe the sentinels and enter the harem. In the country of the Vanyas and the Kalmyas, with the knowledge of the king, the Brahmans, enter the harem for giving flowers to the ladies. They speak from behind a curtain, and from such conversation they became excited and afterwards union takes place. Lastly the women in the harem of the king of the Prachyas hide one young man in the harem for every batch of nine or ten women.

According to the followers of Babhravya a man should initiate his wife`s association with a young woman because of the reason that by knowing the secrets of his wife the woman would tell him about her. But Vatsyayana opposes it in this ways that, a man should not do this because bringing her into the company of cunning or devious woman can easily corrupt a woman.

According to Kamasutra, the following are the causes of the destruction of a woman`s chastity:

•Always going into society, and sitting in company
•Absence of restraint
•The loose habits of her husband
•Want of caution in her relations with other men
•Continued and long absence of her husband
•Living in a foreign country
•Destruction of her love and feelings by her husband
•The company of loose women
•The jealousy of her husband

A verse of Kamasutra further supports this subject:
`A clever man, learning from the Shastras the ways of winning over the wives of other people, is never deceived in the case of his own wives. No one, however, should make use of these ways for seducing the wives of others, because they do not always succeed, and, moreover, often cause disasters, and the destruction of Dharma and Artha. This book, which is intended for the good of the people, and to teach them the ways of guarding their own wives, should not be made use of merely for gaining over the wives of others.`

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