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Classes of Women
This chapter provides information about Classes of Women Fit and Unfit for Congress with the Citizen, and of friends.

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Classes of Women ,  Kamasutra When kama is practiced by men according to the rules of the Holy Writ with virgins of their own castes, it becomes lawfully correct. One can get better offspring and can earn good fame by that. On the other hand, kama with women of the higher castes or with those previously enjoyed by others irrespective of their castes is prohibited. However, Kama with women of the lower castes or public women or women twice married is again not prohibited. The purpose of practicing kama with such women can be called as pleasure only.

Nayikas can be divided into three categories namely maids, women twice married and public women. According to ganikaputra one more type of nayikas are there and they are the females who has resorted with someone on some special occasion although she is married to another male.

The following are some special grounds what men should think to satisfy their own need:

With the women who is self-willed and is enjoyed by many others can be a public woman even though she is of higher caste and by practicing kama with her the regulations of Dharma is not violated.

As she is twice married and has already been enjoyed by others so one can enjoy her and there should be no problem.

Since the woman win over her husband; who is a friend of one`s enemy so the union with this woman can give the facility to throw out his enemy with the help of her husband so practicing kama with her can be possible.

Someone who is married to a person who was formerly a friend but now has become enemy and intended to do harm, can be a woman to practice kama as because she can turn her husband`s mind and thus help in that way.

Practicing kama with a female who is a friends friend and who can finally aid in gaining something or easing some difficult purpose is not prohibited.

For the attainment of someone`s wealth and riches one can try to satisfy kama with that person`s wife and thus indulge her to kill her husband.

If a lady is wealthy enough and has some property with her one can try to make love with her and thus will be able to get her treasure without any difficulty.

If a women loves someone passionately and knows his all weak points in that case that person becomes scared to break relation or becomes afraid to dissatisfy her as by doing so he may welcome many dangers like she can try to tarnish her image by making his faults public or can detach her husband from him and thus he will become his enemy. So to satisfy her need he should continue practicing kama with her.

If someone has tried to ruin his wives` image he then in return would try to satisfy kama with the wives of that person to mainly take the revenge out of it.

If someone is ordered by the king to catch someone and that person has taken shelter with a woman; in that case one can satisfy kama with her in order to get that person.

When a woman is under control of another woman; to get the former one; one can make love to the latter one. This happens out of love.

For the purpose of getting a maid who will give him wealth, has beauty but is under someone`s control and tough to reach; one can make love to someone who will give him such maid.

last but not the least: One can make friendship and satisfy kama with a woman if one`s enemy is friend of that woman`s husband.

Classes of Women ,  Kamasutra These are the special reasons, which can be used to make relation with other man`s wife though there are some other reasons also.

According to Charayana under this circumstance there are a fifth kind of nayika, who is a mistress of a minister and who satisfies and repairs to him occasionally, or she can be a widow who fulfills her partner`s purpose.

Suvarnanabha mentioned sixth type of Nayika as the woman who passes the life of an abstainer or in the condition of a widow.

Ghotakamukha reflects that seventh type of Nayika as those who are the daughter of public women or a female servant and are still virgins.

According to Gonardiya any woman born in good family, after she has come of age, is an eighth kind of Nayika.

But these four kinds of nayikas mentioned later doesn`t differ much from the first four kinds. Therefore according to Vatsayana there are only four kinds of Nayikas, i.e. the maid, twice married woman, the public woman and the woman living with a person for a special purpose.

The following women are not to be enjoyed:

•A leper
•A lunatic
•A woman turned out of caste
•A woman who reveals secrets
•A woman who publicly expresses desire for sexual intercourse
•A woman who is extremely white
•A woman who is extremely black
•A bad-smelling woman
•A woman who is a near relation
•A woman who is a female friend
•A woman who leads the life of an ascetic
•And, lastly the wife of a relation, of a friend, of a learned Brahman, and of the king.

According to the followers of Babhravya any woman who has been enjoyed by five men is a proper person to be loved. But gonikaputra mentioned that even in that case the wives of a relation, of a learned Brahman and of a king should be excepted.

The following are of the kind of friends:

•One who has played with you in the dust, i.e. in childhood
•One who is bound by an obligation
•One who is of the same disposition and fond of the same things
•One who is a fellow student
•One who is acquainted with your secrets and faults, and whose faults and secrets are also known to you
•One who is a child of your nurse
•One who is brought up with you
•One who is an hereditary friend

These friends should possess the following qualities:

•They should tell the truth
•They should not be changed by time
•They should be favorable to your designs
•They should be firm
•They should be free from covetousness
•They should not be capable of being gained over by others

Charayana says that citizens make friendship with washermen, barbers, cowherds, florists, druggists, betel-leaf sellers, tavern keepers, beggars, Pithamardas, Vitas and Vidushakas, as also with the wives of all these people.

A messenger should possess the following qualities:

•Knowledge of the intention of men by their outward signs
•Absence of confusion, i.e. no shyness
•Knowledge of the exact meaning of what others do or say
•Good manners
•Knowledge of appropriate times and places for doing different things
•Ingenuity in business
•Quick comprehension
•Quick application of remedies, i.e. quick and ready resources.

And this part ends with a verse: The man who is ingenious and wise, who is accompanied by a friend, and who knows the intentions of others, as also the proper time and place for doing everything, can gain over, very easily, even a woman who is very hard to be obtained.`

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