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On Kissing
The chapter Three of Part 2 in Kamasutra provides information on Kissing.

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Love knows no boundary and so there is no fixed time between the embrace, the kiss and the pressing or scratching with the nails or fingers. These mainly done at the time of foreplay while striking and making various sounds takes place at the time of copulation. But according to Vatsayana there is no rules and regulation in lovemaking. On the first time of copulation kissing and the other things should done moderately or alternately and not for a long time but as the process going on subsequently it may continue for a long time and for the purpose of enhancement of love all can done at the same time.

The following are the places for kissing: the forehead, the eyes, the cheeks, the throat, the bosom, the breasts, the lips, and the interior of the mouth. Moreover the people of the other countries also kiss on the following places: the joints of the thighs, the arms and the navel. But Vatsayana doesn`t think it right to be kissed on these last three areas as it is not fit to be practiced by all.

Now in a case of a young girl there are three sorts of kisses:

The nominal kiss: when a girl touches the mouth of her lover with her own but does not do anything else by her own, is called nominal kiss.

The throbbing kiss: when a girl overcomes her shyness and in order to touch the lips that pressed into her mouth she moves her lower lip, but not the upper one, it is called the throbbing kiss.

The touching kiss: when a girl touches her lover`s lips with her tongue and with her closed eyes she places her hands on those of her lover, it is called the touching kiss. There are four other types of kisses described by some other authors. These are as follows:

The straight kiss: when the lips of man and woman are united by direct contact, it is called a straight kiss.

The bent kiss: this position can be described as when man and woman bent towards each other and kissed, it is called bent kiss.

The turned kiss: when one of the couple turns up his or her face by holding the chin and head and then kissed, it is called a turned kiss.

The pressed kiss: when the lower lip is pressed with much force, it is called a pressed kiss.

The fifth kind of kiss: can be described as when one holds the lower lip between two fingers, touches it with the tongue and presses it with great force with the lip, is called `greatly pressed kiss`.

There are some other types:
Kiss of the upper lip: This happens when man kisses the upper lip of a woman and woman in return kisses his lower lip.

The clasping kiss: This happens when man takes both the lips of woman between his own and vice versa and kisses.

A woman, however, practices this type of kisses only with man who has no moustache. And on the occasion of this kiss, if one of them touches the teeth, the tongue, and the palate of the other, with his or her tongue, it is called the `fighting of the tongue`.

Kissing can be divided in four types according to the different parts of the body, which are kissed. These are as follows: moderate, contracted, pressed, and soft.

When a woman looks at the face of her sleeping partner and kisses him to express her desire and love, it is called a `kiss that kindle love`.

Kiss that turns away: When a woman kisses her partner when he is engaged in business, quarrelling with her, or while he is looking at something else, in order to turn his mind away, is called a `kiss that turns away`.

When a lover coming home late at night kisses his beloved, who is asleep on her bed, in order to show her his desire, it is called a `kiss that awakens`. In this case the woman may pretend to be asleep at that time to know his intention and create more passion in it. Kiss showing the intension: This type of kiss is practiced with the reflection of the person he or she loves in a mirror, in water or on a wall.

Transferred kiss: when a person kisses a child sitting on his lap, a picture, an image, or a figure in the presence of his or her loved one`s is called a transferred kiss.

Demonstrative kiss: When a man coming to a woman kisses a finger of her hand in standing position and a toe of her foot in the sitting position at the gathering or when a woman is shampooing her lover`s body, places her face and kisses his thigh so as to tries to ignite his passion is called a demonstrative kiss.

There is also a verse on this subject, which is as follows:
`Whatever things may be done by one of the lovers to the other, the same should be returned by the other, i.e. if the woman kisses him he should kiss her in return, if she strikes him he should also strike her in return.`

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