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Impact of Yoga on Excretory System
Impact of Yoga on excretory system is indefinable as it not only helps the particular system but the body.

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Impact of Yoga on Excretory SystemThe process of excretion of the waste matter from the body involves four organs are responsible, they are kidneys, intestine, skin and lungs. Kidneys excrete and waste matter through the urine, intestine through the stool, skin through the perspiration and lungs through the exhaled air. Though it is essential for all the four organs to work efficiently so that the internal environment is maintained favourable for the cellular function, by far the kidneys are the most important organs amongst them.

Kidneys can adjust the amounts of water and electrolytes leaving the body, so that they equal the amount of these substances entering the body. They help in maintaining normal concentration of various electrolytes viz. sodium, potassium, chloride etc. which are vital for the cellular activity. This has an important role in the maintenance of internal homoeostasis. The function of the kidney is influenced by two hormones: Impact of Yoga on Excretory SystemADH produced by the Pituitary and the Aldosterone produced by the adrenal. On the other hand when the blood supply to the kidney is reduced it produces the hormone Renin-Angiotensin, which influences the blood pressure resulting in its rise, and thereby the rise in the blood supply to the kidney cells. Thus the chronic ischemia (inadequate blood supply) due to decrease in the diameter of the renal arteries can lead to permanent rise in the blood pressure known as Renal Hypertension.

The imbalance of human excretory system arises due to the improper diet including excessive protein consumption, non vegetarian foods and alcohol. The instability of the excretory system can be removed by the practice of yoga. Regular exercise of yoga makes the internal imbalance of the body to come to normalcy and it helps to rejuvenate the working level of the systems.

Some yogas like Makarasana, Suptapavanamuktasana, Pavanamuktasana, Agnisara asana, Utkatasana, Nauli, Uttanamudukasana. Basti is also helpful to cure problems with excretory system.

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