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Exercises for Sahasrara Chakra
Exercises for Sahasrara Chakra includes different asanas like meditation and following of thoughts that help in activating the chakra.

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The Sahasrara Chakra or the Crown Chakra is situated at the top of the head and spins at tremendous speed. In Tantra, the Crown Chakra has thousand petals. Crown Chakra is the seventh chakra, which communicates the spiritual nature of human being with the vast universe. There are many exercises associated with this chakra.

Following Thoughts
To perform this exercise the practitioner needs to lie or sit in a comfortable meditation position. He must allow his mind to become relatively calm and quiet. Slowly he must allow his mind to pay attention to the thoughts that pass through his mind. He needs to pick any one thought and question himself about its origin and from where it preceded. He must follow to its origin of the thought. In the process he might discover that it happened years ago or something that is pressing on him now. He must again follow that thought to its source, and on to each thought`s origin. Eventually he will come to a kind of infinite source that has no objective origin.

One done with one thought the practitioner must return back and pick another thought that passes through. He needs to repeat the same sequence, going further and further back. At the end he needs to check how many of his thoughts emanate from a similar source.

After following a few thoughts to their origin, the practitioner must begin watching his thoughts go by without tracing them. He needs to allow them to simply pass, without denying them nor retaining them. He must let them return to their source until there are few or no thoughts passing through. He also will return to the source. The practitioner must remain there as long as possible and then return slowly to normal consciousness.

Journey to the Akashic Records
The practitioner here needs to lie comfortably on the floor with his face up, head and neck relaxed. He needs to slowly relax each part of his body. He must allow the floor beneath him give him support as he relaxes his legs, back, stomach, arms and shoulders. He should also allow his hands and each finger to relax. He needs to release his toes giving each foot a little wiggle. Now he must slowly focus on the rhythm of his breathing letting his tensions out.

As he lies effortlessly on the floor he should imagine his body getting lighter and gradually his body experiences a swirling feeling like rising into a mist. Eventually the mist begins to take more form and he perceives a spiral staircase leading upward. He then follows the staircase higher and higher as it becomes more solid. Each step gives the feeling of his destiny.

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