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Exercises for Mooladhara Chakra
Exercises for Mooladhara Chakra includes meditation and different yoga exercises like Apanasana, Setu Bhandasana, Shalabhasana and Janus Sirsasana.

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Exercises for Mooladhara ChakraChakra exercises are used to stimulate the major chakras in the physical body. Each yoga exercise helps in activating and opening each one of the seven major energy centres.

Meditation in Mooladhara Chakra
Meditation in Mooladhara meditation allows one to feel the energy flowing through the first chakra. Gradually it gets in touch with that centre of consciousness which is the earth-like nature.

To practise meditation one must sit with his back straight and both feet planted firmly on the floor and take deep breath. One needs to feel his body expand and contract while breathing. One also must feel his legs, feet and the floor they are placed on. While meditating one should sense the weight of his body in it and how the force of gravity naturally pulls him down.

Yoga Asanas of Mooladhara Chakras
Yoga asanas of Mooladhara Chakras helps in stimulating and releasing energy from the Muladhara chakra itself. Exercises for Mooladhara ChakraThere are different types of Yoga Exercises like Apanasana, Setu Bhandasana, Salabhasana and Janus Sirsasana. Apanasana is the simplest version where the practitioner lies flat on the back with both knees bent to his chest. The Setu Bhandasana allows the legs to make firm contact with the ground while making dynamic contact with the spine. In Salabhasana the practitioner needs to lie face down on the floor with his arms beneath his body and the palms touching the front of his thighs. In the Janus Sirsasana the practitioner needs to sit up straight with his legs extended out in front. The practitioner must then lift the pelvis up out of the groin, lifting the chest and turning the sternum directly out over his extended left leg.

Other Exercises for Mooladhara Chakras
Apart from these there are other exercises like the movement exercises. Moving the energy into the feet is the first step. To perform this exercise one needs to stand comfortably with the arms on his sides. Gradually he then rises up on his toes and come down hard on his heels, bending his knees as he performs the exercise. The Basic Grounding Stance is another important exercise of Mooladhara Chakra. Here the practitioner needs to stand upright with his feet hip-width apart or slightly wider. The practitioner must allow his feet to be just slightly pigeon-toed, with the heels wider than the toes. Gradually he must then bend his knees out over the feet just slightly.

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