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Exercises for Anahata Chakra
Exercises for Anahata Chakra involves many asanas like cobra exercise, fish exercise, arm circles exercise and many others that help in activating the chakra.

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The Anahata Chakra or the Heart Chakra is the located in the heart and the center from which feelings of love emanate. The Heart Chakra is also associated with other pure emotions like joy, happiness, honesty, respect, compassion, understanding and generosity and with loving anyone in a sincere way without any ego. There are many asanas associated with this chakra.

Chest Opener Exercise
Here the practitioner puts his arms behind his back, clasp his hands together and rotate his arms so that his elbows get lock. This should press his shoulders back and the chest out. After taking a deep breath he must throw his head back and use his arms as momentum to rotate the torso. He must next grab a belt, towel, or tie and hold it overhead with his arms forming a triangle. This would help in added stretching and opening of the pectoral muscles around the chest. Next keeping the elbows straight he must stretch his arms back behind him still holding the belt to provide a good stretch.

Cobra Exercise
Cobra Exercise for Anahata ChakraThis is a yogic exercise that should be practiced early in the morning after waking up. It works on the upper thoracic vertebrae, and helps alleviate the rounded back that comes from a collapsed chest. To practice this exercise the practitioner must lie flat on his stomach with his arms bent and palms placed face down by his shoulders. Without using the arms as support, he must slowly lift his head, shoulders, and back as far as he can go comfortably. After relaxing he must again lift again, going as far as he can, and then using the arms, push up just a little farther. This procedure must be repeated often.

Windmill Exercise
Here the practitioner must stand with his arms stretched outward to each side and twist the torso back and forth. This sends energy from the body down into the arms and hands, and loosens the tight muscles of the chest and abdomen.

Arm Circles Exercise
This exercise stimulates the muscles of the upper arms and upper back (the wings). The practitioner must stretch the arms out straight to each side and rotate in small circles in one direction, gradually moving to larger and larger circles. He must then switch directions and repeat the same exercise.

Fish Exercise
Fish Exercise for Anahata ChakraThis is another yoga asana, designed to expand the chest cavity. The practitioner must begin by lying flat on his back and stretch the legs along the floor. He must place his hands just under his hips and palms down. Pressing down against the elbows, he must lift the chest upward, arching the neck back and touching the head to the floor. While doing so he must also breathe deeply. He must try to hold his position as long as possible.

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