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Exercise For The Physical Body
A number of exercises are there for the growth of the physical body.

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Exercise For The Physical Body , ChakrasThe physical body is the living machine. A number of exercises have been designed for the overall growth of the physical body, which ultimately supports in the release of the Kundalini and in the development of the chakras.

1. Physical Body-Physical Level- Heels of feet
It is best to stand in an area where one can have plenty of room around. It is needed to feel the energy in one`s heels. One must first begin breathing through hands, through feet and through the top of the head. One should be very aware of the heels. Continuing to walk around and feeling the energy on the feet comes next in line. One must walk resolutely with the heels truly asserting oneself. The energy flow needs to be felt. Many people stop the energy at their ankles, which causes foot problem. If one desires, he/she can lie down and enter a meditative state; let information come to them about the heels- one`s forcefulness, one`s willingness to make a mark in the world.

Physical Body-Physical Level- Heels of hands
Many people do not actually get their hands into handshakes. Their fingers uncertainly reach out and the power of their hand is absent. Nobody shakes their hands with their fingers. Nobody either gets the whole hand in there, so that the heel of the hand touches the other person`s hand. One must be conscious about that part of the hand and how much can one get into action. It is advised to do this exercise with others, and take turns in shaking hands. The feel needs to be experienced, actually how does it sense to have full handshakes.

2. Physical Body-Emotional Level- Spleen
One needs to first relax the spleen. An individual needs to ask oneself if he/she is still holding any antagonism from their childhood; if one succeeds to find some, it should first be spread all over the body, thus diffusing it (defusing, too), making it easier to learn from and manage. As the fury moves around he body, it should be turned into potency and apprehension.

The spleen functions in part as a safety valve for clogged emotions. One must place the awareness in the spleen area and ask about any emotional overload; after finding some, it is advised to work towards a healthy understanding and one needs also to free situations. When one cannot work them out themselves, it is best to find a therapist to assist them.

3. Physical Body-Mental Level- Tops of the shoulders (in the "V" area between the top of the shoulder bones) and the part of the pelvic bone used for sitting
This level pertains to mental attitudes one has towards their own body. It is advised to massage the tops of the shoulders, and then to truly allow them to relax. Questions can be asked to the chakras if there is some fatigue or pain from the past that has obstructed. At times, one can be tired from old pain also. If one is successful to locate it, energy should be released through the system and it should be recognised. If one can just let it be free, fatigue or physical pain energy should be transformed into force. If one feels like `lead`, and unable to move in a proper manner, it may be caused due to the chakras. One can let the energy flow out in a very positive, pleasant way and feel fine about the physical body.

4. Physical Body-Intuitional/Compassionate Level- Slightly below the cheekbones and near the jawbone
Firstly, the areas should be massaged well; one can tune into the chakras and ask what they have to say about their own body. One might feel their whole body relaxed and in free spirit.

5. Physical Body-Will/Spirit Level- Between the breasts and the breastbone
One needs to ask what areas of life one honestly wants to put their heart into; does one has the will to live- is a primary question that should be asked. Later, one may question where one is lacking the will to live or where one is holding themselves back.

6. Physical Body-Soul Level- Adrenal glands, on top of the kidneys in the back
These can be called flight or fight chakras, giving one, as necessary, the energy to combat or to get away. They associate with self-preservation and curing. It is probable to subjugate so much anguish in them (factually depressing the energies) that one`s adrenalin can no longer flow; this can of course lead to gloominess. One must `talk` to the adrenal glands, ask them where one should combat a little harder and where one should let go. Then, one should also `ask`, what illness follows from subjugating one`s energies there.

7. Physical Body-Divine Level- Root chakra on the tailbone
This level can bring a feel of security. One can `ask` the chakra what adds to the safety and what gives one a sense of anxiety and needs to be taken away. This level can also purify and complement one`s lower level energies. One should terminate the exercise of the physical body chakras by extending all over. One may also wish to listen to music or dance as a process of revitalising the energy and assisting it to flow. One can send love and admiration to one`s body.

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