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Dhyani Mudra
Dhyani mudrais a gesture of meditation which promotes the way to spirituality.

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Dhyani MudraDhyani Mudra is a gesture of meditation and the mudra is like a submission. This is the classic meditation pose in which gods are seen sitting. In this mudra both the hands are placed like bowls in the lap. The left hand lies in the right hand and the thumbs touch each. The form of the hands limns a bowl which is the representation of the inbound freedom, purity, emptiness that corresponds to the incursion of the way towards spirituality. This mudra, in classical meditation, is considered to be the bestower of emptiness.

Dhyani Mudra encompasses the resting of the right hand on top which symbolizes the state of enlightenment. The other hand, resting below, connotes the world of appearance. This gesture expresses overcoming the world of appearance through enlightenment, as well as the enlightened state of mind for which `samsara` and `nirvana` are component parts. In a special form of this mudra, the middle, ring, and little fingers of both hands lie on top one another and the thumbs and index finger of each hand, touching each other, form a circle. The constitution of the circle in this mudra symbolizes the world of appearance and the true nature of reality.

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