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Development of the Four Brains
Development of the four brains is said to be the most challenging element to the purification of Kundalini.

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Development of the Four Brains, Kundalini YogaDevelopment of the four brains is a crucial part of Kundalini cleansing, more difficult to deal with and all pervasive. The transformation of the brains is one of the most remarkable alterations caused by Kundalini purification. Genius, where astonishing creative abilities, enormous moral and spiritual truths are available, is the crucial state of the refined brain. In genius individuals, the brains receive and make use of information from universal and cosmic levels.

But the Four Brains are more resistant to Kundalini purification, compared to any other areas, because of deviances in one`s thinking and approach to life, to which one is always inclined. Some, with unnecessary Kundalini that has not yet become functional, are left to vegetate in mental institutions; their problems are not realised.

The skull essentially changes shape, becoming bigger during development of the brains. It may change shape a couple of times, bringing burning headaches. Massaging the skull at the seams of the bones encourages expansion. Radiating surplus Kundalini out around the head brings comfort. One must locate singularly sore spots on the scalp with one"s fingers; massage them to release the energy, letting one`s mind to wander, becoming conscious of the thoughts or attitudes, which prohibited mind expansion. One may relieve some tension by telling oneself- it is okay to have the "big head".

Function of Four Brains
The functions of the four brains are as follows:

First Brain: The first brain relates directly to the physical body and deals mainly with territorialism and survival.
Second Brain: The second brain relates mainly to emotions and motivations and is connected with ones emotional body.
Third Brain: The third brain incorporates both the left and right hemispheres. It relates to the mental body and is concerned with reason, logic, thinking, and creativity.
Fourth Brain: The fourth Brain is where one lives in a time of great mind expansion, not only involving increased development of three brains already mentioned but the development of a fourth brain.

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