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Channels in Sahaja Yoga Meditation
There are three main channels in the body viz Sushumna nadi, Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi, which carries energy.

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The human body consists of vast and intricate subtle channel system. Which is made up of thousands of channels that carry energy throughout the body. The concentration of energy in the subtle system i.e parasympathetic nervous system is called the Chakras or energy center.

The Channels that carry energy are known as `Nadis` in Sanskrit. Three primary vertical channels of energy and seven main charkas govern the entire system of human body. Our subtle system is fully activated with the awakening of the Kundalini. The Kundalini cleanses and balances the system as well as activates the charkas to impart their pure quality in the human body.

The three main channels of the body are-Sushumna Nadi, Pingala Nadi, Ida Nadi.
Sushumna Nadi : The central channel is Sushumna Nadi, also called the middle path. It begins where the Kundalini resides and passes straight up along the spine to the highest Chakra or the seventh or the Sahasrara Chakra.

The central channel is the passage for the parasympathetic nervous system, that coordinates our involuntary or autonomic nervous system activities. We do not have any conscious control over these activities. All the organs of human body have their own functions, which are performed autonomously regardless of where our attention is focused. These functions do not need our conscious control. Yet the involuntary activities of our body function according to an organized operating plan with complex interactions, synthesis and communications.

The activities that take place through the parasympathetic system are spontaneous happenings i.e. they take place naturally without our direct involvement. The rising of the Kundalini and other spiritual activities are also spontaneous. Hence the term `Sahaja` was coined to label this type of Yoga as the term means spontaneous. The implication of the parasympathetic nature of the middle path is that the rise of Kundalini is beyond our Control. This is the reason why Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi acts as the catalyst to arouse the Kundalini.

Once the Kundalini is aroused and has traveled through the Central Chanel (sushumna Nadi) upto the top of the head, one can be aware of the vast internal system. The initial self-realization is thus the beginning of a higher journey.

Channels in Sahaja Yoga MeditationPingala Nadi : The right channel or Pingala Nadi is also called the Sun Channel. It begins at the Swadhisthan Chakra or the second center and travels up the right side. The Pingala Nadi crosses over to the left temple (ego) at the Agnya Chakra. This passage provides pathway for the mental and physical energy.

When the demand for energy in the Pingala Nadi increases the left side is weakened and the desire to have joy of the spirit evaporates. When the right side dominates the personality of that person then he becomes very dry and aggressive. Excess pressure has the effect in the left temple and in the ego, which causes the channel to inflate into a balloon that blocks the central channel. The entire system affects the balance. When our sensitivity is blinded by ego, sensitivity to our own emotion is diminished. This is the reason why right-sided behavior leads to heart disease.

Sahaja Yoga practices are useful to remove negativity and balancing the charkas and channels. The charkas can be opened by various methods like using simple meditation techniques such as footsoaking, lying on the ground, sweeping the aura etc that ultimately brings the balance.The state of right channel is felt on the right side of the body. In the beginning it can be more easily felt on the right palm.

Ida Nadi:The left Channel is Ida Nadi, which is also called Moon Channel. The Ida Nadi begins at the first Chakra or Mooladhara and runs along the left side of the body, passing the Agnya Chakra or the sixth Chakra and goes straight to the temple and ten enters into the right side of the brain. It provides the passage for the energy of our desire.

The emotions are triggered from the desire or wishes. Rather emotions are desires that have not yet materialized. These desires and the related feeling travel through this left channel to the appropriate places in the body to bring about the actions to the fulfillment. Our desires are also necessary for action.

The greatest quality of the left side is to provide joy that brings a steady condition to the spirit. This can be explained from the behavior of the young children. They might wake up in the morning happily. If they experience any physical or emotional pain they do not remember it for the long time. They cry immediately but recover early and resume the state of joy. The desire of joy within a grown up man is same as it was when he was infant. Sometimes the joy is hindered from emotional or physical injuries experienced in life. Sahaja yoga provides the most effective techniques for clearing away the hurts and blows of the daily lives. Sahaja Yoga thus helps to remove tensions and recover the joy as the steady state of being.

Problems of the left side results in passivity of emotions that ultimately leads to a mental state between joy and depression. With this type of imbalance, self-discipline becomes difficult and bad conducts cannot be corrected. In the worst case one becomes lethargic and self obsessed. The Ida Channel feeds also in the skull area. So imbalance in this channel leads to excessive pressure in the brain. This cycle causes the problems like mental breakdown, epilepsy and senility or decay of the brain.

The state of the left channel is always felt on the left side of the body. In the beginning the effect of Ida Nadi is most easily felt on the left palm.

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