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Chakras in Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Sahaja Yoga awakens Kundalini through self realization, which in turn activates the seven Chakras present in human being

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There are innumerous tiny vital life forces whirling through the body, which are concentrated into centers called Chakras. Chakra is a Sanskrit term that means wheel. They are named as wheels as energies spin at these points, rotating clockwise with certain frequencies or vibration. This system has a resemblance with galaxy of planets, each spinning on its own axis. The seven main Chakras are located along the spinal cord and are energized and felt after Self-Realization. This Chakras control various parts and organs of our body. Each Cahkra is designed to maintain the perfect operation of the bodily system under its control.

The Chakras are responsible for the well being of the human body. So it is important to understand the functioning of each chakra and also the factors, which disturb Chakra balancing. Every thought and action influences the sensitivity and performance of these chakra centers. To start with Chakra balancing in Sahaja Yoga meditation, one has to eliminate the gross negativity. This might take time but the result will be felt from the beginning. Once, Self-realization is achieved and the charkas are cleared, the source of all this information will be available.

] Each subtle center inside a human being has projections on different parts of the bodies. For example if one feeling a tingling sensation on the left middle finger then there is an imbalance in the left aspect of the third Chakra or the Nabhi Chakra. On the other hand a cool and light sensation on the right thumb means the right aspect of the second Chakra or the Swadhisthana Chakra is in a balanced state. Thus the knowledge of Chakras and the associated organs governed by the charkas help one to realize all the obstacles inside that bring imbalance in the subtle system.

Mooladhara ChakraMooladhara Chakra: It is made up of the earth element and represents the beginning of life. When nourished and awakened this Chakra manifests a magnetic force. The people who have very strong Mooladhara Center have a good inner sense of direction. This Chakra is at the root or foundation of the subtle system. The fundamental quality of this Chakra is innocence, which forms the basis of all the moral characters. It represents action without motive or desire for the ultimate personal gain. By awakening the qualities of Mooladhara by sahaja Yoga meditation, the innocence is regained and one can take proper decisions in life. Mooldhara Chakra also governs the excretory and reproductive organs and thus directly influences the sexual behavior in human life.

The week Mooladhara Chakra is manifested in a number of ways- like poor sense of direction, poor memory, poor sense of gravity or imbalance, certain incurable disease and also the mental problems.

Swadhisthan Chakra: This chakra is suspended like a satellite on a cord from the Nabhi chakra. The fundamental quality of the Swadhisthan Chakra is creativity. After the realization one discovers that the true creativity can be achieved through thoughtless awareness (nirvichara samadhi), which can be reached through meditation. One becomes creative instrument of the collective consciousness, without ego to reveal the purity of the creativity.

Swadhisthan ChakraThe process of creativity depends on the qualities of the Swadhisthan Chakra. The most important physical function of this center is that it breaks down fat particles in the abdomen to replace the grey and white cells in the brain and thus it generates the energy, which fuels our thinking. Excessive thinking and planning make this center exhausted. Along with the Nabhi Chakra, Swadhisthan chakra also looks after the liver. If the chakra has to cope with excessive thinking, then the other organs under its control are neglected. If there is any problem in this chakra, there is a sign and the tingling sensation in the thumb and middle finger of the right hand or prickling sensation in the hands confirms the problems in this chakra.

A weekened Swadhisthan Chakra may lead to diabetes, heart diseases and associated problem, difficulty in meditating or irritability. Interest in spiritualism and occult practices also have detrimental effect on this center.

Nabhi Chakra: The Nabhi Chakra is the evolutionary point or Nabhi Chakrathe shelter of human consciousness. The Nabhi is the center of welfare, both physical and mental. Prosperity is the necessary step of evolution. Another aspect of nabhi Chakra is that it directs in the part of Dharma (right conduct) in our lives. This cannot be an artificial process; it comes spontaneously after the spiritual realization.

Nabhi Chakra can be weakened in the number of ways, when one is worried about household problem or monetary problem; the left side of the Nabhi center becomes imbalanced. Too much thinking about food, be it gluttony or fasting, also effects the Nabhi Chakra badly. It keeps the stomach excited and hinders the energy flow. Drinking alcohol is also harmful to the Nabhi Chakra.

Anahata Chakra: Anahata Chakra or Heart Chakra is the Anahata Chakracenter of spirit. One start the process of transferring into spirit after Self Realization, as one start to lose the false identifications with our body, mind and feelings. Only after this enlightenment, the purity of heart is achieved. The spirit can only manifest when the heart is open and clean and thus can feel the eternal joy of creation. Pure love is the real quality of the Heart Chakra. Pure love is detached and is without any interest, prejudice and motif. True love is the quality that emanates from the spirit, not from the body or mind. Love gives confidence and indulges bondage in a family. Fear is the greatest enemy of mankind. The seat of Heart Chakra is located at BrahmaRandhra at the crown of the head. This is the site where kundalini energy unites with the all-pervading energy of the universe.

Visuddhi Chakra: Visuddhi Chakra is the throat Chakra that Visuddhi Chakrarepresents the cohesive nature of the human race and the ability of human being to rise above the petty trivialities of mundane life to experience the divine union with the ultimate consciousness. The flowering of the Visuddhi Chakra provides with a sense of detachment, which helps to isolate from the problems. To observe self one might strip his/ her layer to reveal the originality. Vishuddhi Chakra also embodies those qualities, which govern our relationship with other members of the human race. Lack of self confidence is very harmful for the growth of a person" After Self-Realization one might consider himself or herself not guilty. The Sahaja yoga is actual evidence of our enlightenment, which one experiences on the fingertips of the body.

The Visuddhi Chakra has sixteen petals, each with different qualities and functions. On the physical side it looks after the throat, arms, face, mouth, teeth etc. To keep the throat Chakra balanced one should avoid cold, tobacco and other pollutants that can damage the throat.

Agnya Chakra : This is situated in the center of the brain area Agnya Chakra and represents the sixth sense. One can identify its position in the middle of the forehead area. It is the gateway of Sahasrara Chakra and does not allow the kundalini to rise above it, if there is any impurity in the mind. When Kundalini passes through this Chakra our thought waves elongate so that the space between two thought grows wider. This space is considered as the silence. When the petals of this Chakra open up, silence blossoms in the center and then gradually spreads outwards, sending our thoughts to the periphery of the awareness. This is the state where `thoughtless awareness` is said to be achieved. In this state one actually feels the beauty of silence. The primary function of Agnya Chakra is forgiveness.

The human mind is divided into ego and superego. These are located at the uppermost endpoints of Ida Nadi (the left channel or moon line) and Pingala Nadi(the right channel or the sun line). This two channels cross over the Agnya Chakra. Everything related to the past like memories, conditions and emotions accumulates at the Superego on the right while everything related to the future such as thinking, planning, action etc likewise accumulates as a residue as the Ego on the left side of the brain.

Among other things the Agnya Chakra governs our sight. To keep the Agnya Chakra pure one should look at the natural things like greenery of the grasses and azure of the sky.

Sahasrara Chakra : In the Sahasrara Chakra the other charkas Sahasrara Chakraare integrated. When the Kundalini reaches the Sahasrara Chakra the lotus petals of this Chakra open and enlightenment or Samadhi is achieved. One will feel a powerful pulsation in the crown of the head, followed by melting sensation and a flow of cool vibration takes place from the fontanel area. When this occurs, the Kundalini unites the individual consciousness with the universal consciousness. One suddenly turns into the universal wavelength of vibrations, which pervades the cosmos. When Kundalini is awakened, the eternal spirit is enlightened. As human awareness is united to the divine, one moves to the subtlest level of communication, into collective consciousness. When human consciousness tunes into the infinite, enlightenment comes spontaneously. The sages have praised this state as the union between lover and beloved. When there is a separation, there is a duality and because of this separation one feels the attachment. In this state the brain loses its identity, the so-called limited brain becomes the unlimited spirit.

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