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Benefits of Mudras
Benefits of mudras are immense if practiced on a regular basis.

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Mudras are beneficial for the human mind, soul and body. Each finger connotes each tattva and each mudra is the connotation of awakening of a particular power, knowledge or kundalini. The benefits of mudra are therefore immense. Mudra caters and enhances energy level, fills the mind with refreshments and each mudra serves as remedial for some external or internal problems. There are some mudras which functions as the stabilizers of inner human virtues.

Benefits of Mudras Mudra for Trust
The hands are lifted overhead and the right palm is placed over back of left hand (reverse for men). Elbows are bent softly and shoulders are press down away from ears. At the time of performing this mudra, short breath should be taken while focusing on the navel, to build inner trust.

Mudra for Joy
The elbows are bent and arms are opened to side. The position of the hands is at shoulder level with palms facing forward. The little and ring fingers are pressed down into palms and the thumb is crossed tightly over them. The middle and index fingers are lifted straight up toward the heavens like the peace sign. Then Inhale and Exhale are performed slowly with a relaxing manner and it results the feeling of the glow of inner light.

Benefits of Mudras Mudra for Recharging
The mudra involved in the act of recharging the human body and soul incorporates making fist of the right hand with thumb pointing upwards. Then the left palm is wrapped around the right hand`s fist thumb pointing upwards. Then the two thumbs together and touched with straighten elbows and push arms and hands away from chest. The left hand resisting the strong push of the right fist is felt. Then the shoulders are pushed back to increase resistance. Hunching shoulders is avoided; the chest and rib cage are kept lifted. Focusing eyes on thumbs, inhale and exhale are done slowly for eight counts. Energy radiating from base of spine into hands and arms is felt.

The benefits of practicing mudras are as follows:

•Mudras can bring about miraculous changes and improvement in human body and soul.

•Mudras generate power to provide peace and happiness.

•Mudras are miraculous remedies. They provide instant relief in many illnesses.

Mudras can cure almost any ailment from simple earache to heart attack as well as the diseases those need long time remedies if practiced regularly.

Mudras help in moulding the physical, mental and even the moral aspects of an individual.

Some Mudras can balance the elements of the body within 45 minutes while others act within a few seconds.

Practise of some Mudras on a regular basis can cure insomnia, arthritis and memory loss.

Mudras bring about a fundamental revision of the destructive changes in the human body. They also develop piety and a courteous disposition.

Mudras help in Kundalini Yoga to awaken the cosmic energy.

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