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Asanas in Inverted Pose
Asanas in Inverted Pose offers a huge array of benefits that can help almost anyone.

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Asanas in Inverted Pose, Yoga AsanasAsanas in Inverted Pose help to increase the flow of blood to the brain. An inverted asana is any pose where the heart is kept below the legs or lower abdominal area. It is observed that many people get less blood flow in the brain and head. This could lead to lesser function by our brain; or it may lead to gradual memory loss, too. Yoga Asanas can be beneficial in these cases.

List of Asanas in Inverted Pose
Here are some yoga postures doing which one have to invert the body that could help those who face less flow of blood in head.

•Raj Grivasana
•Ardha Adho Mukha Vrikshasana
•Viparita Vrikshasana
•Ardha Pincha Mayurasana
•Ardha Shirshasana
Salamba Sarvangasana

Benefits of Asanas in Inverted Pose
Asanas in inverted pose revitalize the whole system, flushes out different toxic substances from the body, boosts up the metabolism and maintain synchronization of the body. In inverted asanas, the course of gravitational force comes to the head. This stimulates the blood, oxygen and glucose supply towards the brain. Inverted postures are an excellent remedy for varicose veins and haemorrhoids. These poses improve the quality of meditation and concentration.

Precautions for Asanas in Inverted Pose
One must not practice any inverted asana during menstruation, the later stages of pregnancy, gastritis, uncontrolled high blood pressure, glaucoma or epilepsy.

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