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Anuloma Viloma
Anuloma Viloma is a cultural asana where the yogi draws his breath through the nostrils.

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Anuloma-Viloma, Cultural AsanaAnuloma-Viloma is also known as Lom-vihma, Nadishodhan or Nadishuddhi Pranayama. The main characteristic feature of this Pranayama is the alternate breathing through the left and the right nostril with or without kumbhaka. Actually speaking this is not a regular Pranayama but the prior breathing practice to prepare oneself for the practice of Pranayama.

Technique for Anulom Viloma
1. Sit in Padmasana.
2. Fold the index and middle finger of right hand towards palm. The thumb should remain towards right nostril and ring finger and little finger should be towards left nostril.
3. Closing the right nostril with the thumb inhale (prolonged) through the left nostril.
4. Then close the left nostril with the ring finger and the little finger, exhale slowly through right nostril removing the thumb.
5. The time should be double than the time taken for inhaling i.e. the ratio should be 1:2.
6. After exhalation, inhale through the same nostril (right).
7. Now close the right nostril with thumb exhale through left nostril (removing the ring finger and the little finger) as per previous practice.

This completes one round of easy Anuloma-Viloma.

Technique of Anuloma Viloma with Kumbhaka
1. Sit in Padmasana.
2. Fold the index and middle finger of right hand towards palm. Now thumb should remain towards right nostril and ring finger and little finger should be towards left nostril.
3. Closing the right nostril with the thumb inhale (prolonged) through the left nostril.
4. After completing inhalation close the left nostril also with little and ring finger and hold the breath inside (i.e practice Kumbhaka).
5. After retention, keeping the left nostril closed with ring and little finger, exhale slowly through right nostril.
6. After exhalation inhale through the same nostril (right).
7. After complete inhalation close both the nostrils and practice kumbhaka.
8. Retaining the breath according to the capacity exhale slowly through the left nostril (removing ring finger and little finger from it).

This completes one round of Anuloma-Viloma with Kumbhaka.

If a person cannot adopt Padmasana while practicing Anuloma-Viloma, he may adopt any comfortable sitting posture and essentially sit erect. In the beginning, at least for 6 months, one should practise the easy technique of this asana, without Kumbhaka. When the person inhale or exhale through one nostril, other should be kept closed. While inhalation, the abdomen should not bulge out. Lungs along with chest should be expanded and the abdomen should be pressed carefully. While practising Pranayama with Kumbhaka, equal time has to be given for inhalation and Kumbhaka. The time for exhalation should be double from that of inhalation. While closing the nostril with the fingers, one should not press them hard enough to bend the nose. One should always remember that on completion of Pranayama if there is an obstruction in respiration or it is fast it means that the person has retained the breath more than his/her capacity which is not desirable. However, Anuloma-Viloma with Kumbhaka should always be practised under the guidance of a qualified teacher.

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