Anant Geete, also known as Anant Gangaram Geete, is an Indian politician in charge of the Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Sector Enterprises in the Cabinet of the 15th Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He is a member of the Shiv Sena political party in Maharashtra. Being a Member of Parliament in the 16th Lok Sabha, he is the representative of the Raigad constituency in Maharashtra. Formerly he served as the Union Cabinet Minister for Power.
Early Life of Anant Geete
Anant Geete was born on 2nd June 1951 in a small town of Ratnagiri district in the Indian state Maharashtra to Shri Gangaram Sambhaji Geete and Smt. Anandi Bai.
Political Career of Anant Geete
Anant Geete is a veteran parliamentarian who has handled a number of significant positions in ministries and parliamentary committees throughout his career. Since 1985 to 1992 he has worked as the Councillor of Municipal Corporation in Mumbai. He has been the Chairman of Standing Committee in the Municipal Corporation, Mumbai, from 1990 to 1992. He has got elected to the Parliament of India six times consecutively for the terms of 1996-1998, 1998-1999, 1999-2004, 2004-2009, 2009-2014 and 2014-2019. From July 2002 to August 2002 he has been the Minister of Finance, Banking and Expenditure. He was the Union Cabinet Minister of Power since August 2002 to May 2004. In the general elections of 2014 he contested from Raigad constituency in Maharashtra and won with a margin of 2,110 votes. In the year 2009 he also won from the same constituency. However earlier for four terms he represented Ratnagiri constituency in Maharashtra from 11th Lok Sabha to 14th Lok Sabha. Anant Geete is known to be a brilliant orator.
Positions Held By Anant Geete
Year | Positions |
1985-92 | Councillor, Municipal Corporation, Mumbai |
1990-92 | Chairman, Standing Committee on Municipal Corporation Mumbai |
1996 | Elected to 11th Lok Sabha from Ratnagiri (1st term); Chief Whip, Shiv Sena Parliamentary party |
1996-98 | Member, Committee on Urban and Rural Development |
1998 | Re-elected to 12th Lok Sabha (2nd term) |
1998-99 | Member, Committee on External Affairs and its Sub-Committee-III; Member Consultative Committee, Ministry of Human Resource Development |
1999 | Re-elected to 13th Lok Sabha (3rd term); Leader, Shiv Sena Parliamentary Party |
1999-2000 | Chairman, Committee on Urban and Rural Development. Member, Business Advisory Committee; Member, General Purposes Committee. Member, Railway Convention Committee. |
1999-2001 | Member, Committee on Estimates |
2000-2002 | Member, Consultative Committee. Ministry of Civil Aviation |
Jul-Aug 2002 | Union Minister of State, Ministry of Finance, Banking and Expenditure |
Aug 2002-May 2004 | Union Cabinet Minister, Power |
2004 | Re-elected to 14th Lok Sabha (4th term); Member, General Purposes Committee. Chairman, Committee on Chemicals and Fertilizers; Member, Committee on Petitions |
Aug 2007 | Chairman, Committee on Chemicals & Fertilizers |
2009 | Re-elected to 15th Lok Sabha (5th term); Leader, Shiv Sena Parliamentary Party, Lok Sabha |
23rd Sep 2009 | Chairman, Committee on Petitions; Member, Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs & Publlic Distribution. Member, Business Advisory Committee; Member, Konkan Railway Users" Consultative Committee |
May 28 2014 | Union Cabinet Minister, Heavy Industries & Public Sector Enterprises |