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Agnisara Dhouti
Agnisara Dhouti, the healer of digestion, indigestion, constipation, diabetes etc.

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Dhouti is a word made up of Sanskrit verb "Dhoo" which means to wash. The process of such cleaning is Dhouti Kriya. However, even if this kriya is termed as Dhouti kriya, there is no actual process of washing involved. In this process, swift movements of the stomach are expected. The word Agni used here refers to the fire in the form of internal digestive juices.

As it is apparent by its name that this practice influences our digestive system through gastric fire. This can be practiced either in the position of Uddiyana or in Padmasana or even in any sitting posture in which you can remain steady.

Steps for Practice Agnisara Dhouti:
Agnisara Dhouti1. Stand erect.
2. Make a distance of 1-1/2 feet between legs and place both hands on respective knees.
3. Slowly exhale completely. As we retain breath out in Uddiyana, so retain it out.
4. After that, the stomach, which has gone in due to complete exhalation.
5. Without inhaling try to blow it out like a balloon, maintaining for two seconds, take the stomach in and again blow it out. Do it likewise for 4 to 6 times.
6. Now inhale. This forms one round of Agnisara. Practise it for four or five times.

Benefits of Agnisara Dhouti
This process is useful for the ailments such as complaints regarding digestion, indigestion, constipation, diabetes etc.

Precautions before practising Agnisara Dhouti
1. Practise it on empty stomach.
2. Do not practise it at least for four hours after meal.
3. No one who suffers from stomach ailments should practise the process without expert guidance.
4. Those who have undergone any operation of the stomach should not try to perform the process for a period of three years from the date of operation. Afterwards too, an attempt should only be made under an expert`s directions.
5. Those who suffer from the loss of tone of the stomach or swellings of the intestines or ailments of the liver should not practise unless advised by the experts.
6. The process should not be repeated more than 3 / 4 times.

Beginner`s Tip: Do not repeat this process more than three or four times.

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