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Activating Vishuddha Chakra
Activating Vishuddha Chakra can be achieved through many stages and the goddess of the chakra is Shakini.

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Vishuddha ChakraActivating Vishuddha Chakra or the throat chakra needs to understand and control the sensual pleasures. The spirit should go on even when the body is just a pile of bones. One must force himself to go to higher levels of comprehension. The signposts for activating the throat chakra are as follows:

Symbol: The symbol of the Vishuddha chakra is a circle on a flat plane. The circle is an indication of completion and understanding. Yet the look presents a multi dimensioned, multifaceted object; and though one might feel it to be complete there is always more to strive for. The sphere represents something beyond the disk.

Colour: The colour of the chakra is glistening light yellow. The easiest way to understand it is to cut a lemon in half and meditate on the glistening perfection of its fruit.

Element: The element of the chakra is creation. As in the mundane world, earth is the first element created, so now a new life is created from the air that rose from the fire. It is the first step on the second turn of the spiral.

Sound: The sound of the chakra is like a flute as it is played in upward scales. These sounds are produced from the breath of life. They are gentle, soothing, reassuring sounds that lead onward and upward. The mantra here is HAM. It is sounded in the reverse manner from normal mantras. The HA sound starts in a low pitch and gradually gains power as it is pronounced so that the A overpowers the H and the silent M vibration is louder than in most mantras.

Animal: The animal of the chakra is the sacred white elephant standing alone and alert. It needs to be approached very carefully. It is quite aware of its own power and is thus it is not afraid of anything. If it is roused in a negative way, it might become uncontrollable. Yet it is a beautiful animal that anyone would love.

Material: The material of the chakra is silver. It is a metal that can be molded to many shapes. The molding is done with comparative ease but while doing so, it can lose its shine and become dull. As one tries to mold the silver of his spirit, he must be careful of retaining its lustrous untarnished silverness.

Texture: The texture of the chakra is like the feeling of gently stroking corduroy. When it is softly stroked along its ridges they produce sensual feelings of pleasure. Suddenly when the hand is pushed across the cord and roughness is felt.

Smell: The odor of the chakra is that of lemon or of an open pine forest. These are clean, astringent smells. They are associated with new early developments

Taste: The taste of the chakra is that of honey-sweetened lemon. There is a pinch of bitterness here, but the honey overcomes it. In its complete form the lemon is sour, but the honey that has been added makes the taste more pleasant and sweet.

Goddess: Shakini is the pale goddess of the chakra. She is ware of the whole world and acts as the driving force. She has her whip always ready. If someone resists her will, she will use the bow and arrow that she holds in her other hands, or even the noose. She will also not hesitate to kill if someone does not proceed along the upward path.

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