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Activating Swadhisthana Chakra
Activating Swadhisthana Chakra is achieved through different paths and the ruling deity of this chakra is Lakini.

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Activating Swadhisthana ChakraSwadhisthana Chakra or the Navel Chakra is also called the Sacral Chakra. In the Swadhisthana Chakra the mind which was earlier uninhibited, uncontrollable, subhuman, passionate, will control and direct the body`s activity. Thus the mind needs to be first activated. The signposts for activating the Swadhisthana Chakra are as follows:

Symbol: The symbol of Swadhisthana chakra is a triangle which is pointed upward. The base of the triangle represents the firm support and firm control. The upward-thrusting point is the point on which one must destroy himself. It represents the uncontrolled urges and primitive emotions which hardly remain under control. The triangle is tall and slender and gradually its base widens out as the mind takes increasing control of it. Yet the point always remains. It is always acknowledged and understood.

Colour: The colour of Swadhisthana chakra is orange.

Location: The location of the chakra is at the lower abdomen, genitals and womb.

Function: The function of the chakra is Desire, pleasure, sexuality, procreation.

Guna: The Swadhisthana chakra is associated with the Tamas guna.

Emotion: The emotions of Swadhisthana chakra reflect the most complex feelings of possessiveness, jealousy, and aversion. They start with a fear that one may never be able to experience the pure pleasure that was present in the beginning of the chakras.

Element: The element of Swadhisthana chakra is water. It is symbolized by fire playing across water and fire that eventually overcomes water. In the age-old swamp that rose from the sea, the land emerged from water and water originated on the land. Likewise the spiritual fire burns brightest when it overcomes the primitive pleasures of the body.

Sound: The sound of Swadhisthana chakra is VAM. The VA is pronounced deeply.

Animal: The animal of Swadhisthana chakra is Makara, fish and other sea creatures.

Minerals: The minerals of the Swadhisthana chakra is Carnelian, moonstone, coral.

Material: The material of Swadhisthana chakra is burnished copper that is beautifully polished, hence it glows brightly. If neglected it even become dull and green. Here the mind needs to be alert to keep the copper clean and shinning.

Texture: The texture of Swadhisthana chakra is hard and vibrantly healthy skin.

Smell: The smell of Swadhisthana chakra resembles the slight acrid smell of sweat on a clean body. The basic smell is unpleasant, but it also gives a pleasant hint of work that has been done.

Taste: The taste of Swadhisthana chakra is a combination of opposites which is cold, greasy mutton fat with sharp, astringent rosemary. This cold fat is quite helpful in the gaining bodily nourishment. It can be compared with the mind controlling the body that gives spiritual nourishment. The understanding that at any time one can control these primordial passions strengthens the spirit.

Goddess: The goddess of Swadhisthana chakra is Lakini. She is a beautiful goddess with a dusky complexion that promises flaming sensual passion.

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