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Activating Ajna Chakra
Activating the Ajna Chakra is attained through many stages and the deity of this chakra is Shakti.

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Activating Ajna ChakraIn the Ajna Chakra the goddess first meets Lord Shiva. At this stage he is still a dull god and the deity is and very happy to meet someone who is equal to her. She joins with him, not just sexually, but mentally and spiritually. It is a chakra of completion where the three channels of the body come together: The signposts for activating the brow chakra are as follows:

Symbol: The symbol of the chakra is an hourglass through the neck of which you must pass. It signifies the transition from the mundane to the spiritual, for this chakra is the "I" chakra. "I" is the spiritual being that controls "Me" that controls the mundane body. The hourglass symbol is combined with that of the erect lingam. Often in the pictures you can see semen suspended above the lingam, which has been ejaculated from it only moments before. The meaning is clear: This is creation in its pure form. The creation of life passes through the hourglass of the yoni and leaves the mundane behind. At the instant of orgasm and in the peace that follows, there is the total feeling of completeness, of satisfaction. From the goddess`s point of view, she has been impregnated and fulfilled.

Colour: The colour of the chakra is brilliant, pure white. The god and the goddess are both purified by their completion.

Emotion: The emotion of the chakra is completeness.

Element: The element of the chakra is life force which is a superior form of water. Here a new life has been formed that contains within it a tiny spirit. The awareness of this new spirit is the result of creation.

Sound: The sound of the chakra is very gentle and peaceful. It is like the beating of a bell. Yet it is vibrant with the meaning of life, for it is the sound of the beginning of life. The mantra of the chakra is the OM Mantra which is very soft.

Animal: The animal of the chakra is the coupled man and woman. In the last few centuries there has been a move away from this animal toward the tiny seedling of a flowering tree.

Material: The material of the chakra is a drop of living crystal-pure water or new seminal fluid. It is never static and is always moving. All life needs this material, for without it everything dies. Hence the element is more than just water; it is water containing nutrients.

Texture: The texture of the chakra is like that of gentle clean hair. The hair is very fine, young and alive. But if it is stroked heavily it changes the feeling to one of a rough-textured material that brings one down from the chakra.

Smell: the smell is like a young baby that has just taken birth. It is the essence of life in it. It is the odor of warm newness and cuddly freshness.

Taste: The taste of the chakra is like an apple just picked from the tree. The taste is very sweet.

Goddess: The goddess of the chakra is Shakti who is white in colour. She has refined from the goddesses of all the lower chakras. Shakti has overcome from all her driving desires and is hence very contended. She has six heads that enables her to watch in every direction. In addition to the four cardinal directions, she also looks up and down to guard the new life within her. In her hands she holds a cord on which she counts the number of new lives coming into the world every day. She also holds a drum which she gently strokes with the slow controlled measure of life itself. She has a skull that reminds one of his mortality and the duty to create new life before leaving this plane.

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