Indigestion is the most often pronounced ailment of modern times branching out into varied abdominal diseases. The most common one is Gastritis. The general symptoms of this ailment are Acid reflux or heartburn, Pain in the abdomen, Excessive burping, Puking or vomiting, Nausea and difficulty in releasing gas. The causes that underlie this ailment are fast eating without good chewing, heavy meals, and excessive intake of alcohol, stress, anxiety and intake of strong drugs. Yoga for Gastric trouble helps in healing the digestive system and restores the system in the proper order.
The most common symptoms of gas are Belching, Flatulence, Abdominal bloating, and Abdominal pain etc. Gas problems occur due to many reasons like taking food high in fibre or carbohydrates that are hard to digest. Some of the food ingredients that aggravate gas formation include Beans, Peas, whole Grains, Cabbage, Grapes, Plums, Raisins, Corn, Onions, Soft drinks, Red wine and Beer. Also, foods containing milk or wheat can cause discomfort for people who are intolerant to them. Pranayams, Yogas suggest certain remedies for this problem like drinking plenty of water, eating more slowly and chewing more, avoiding chewing gum and hard candy, stop smoking and taking proper diet.
Yoga for gastric trouble is of various types like:
•Effective Pranayama helps in curing all stomach problems along with maintaining blood pressure level, Blood sugar (Diabetes), Improving Concentration etc and much other importance describe in Anulom Vilom Pranayama.
•Ardha Kurmasana is most effective in solving gas problem. It eliminates the weakness of the intestine and the stomach; it also removes disorder of the liver. It cures Constipation, Diabetes, Insomnia, Indigestion, etc.
•Kunjal Kriya is a cleansing technique which cleans the whole stomach removing all the dirt and excessive mucus. It is useful for Acidity, Indigestion, Blotted stomach and Gas. After doing the asana it is advised to take rest by lying down flat.
Asanas like Udara Shakti Vikasaka exercises of Yogic Sukshma Vyayama may be practised after doing Kunjala empty stomach in the morning. After practising four asanas of naval displacement like Katichakrasana, Urdhvahastotanasana, Padhastasana, Suptapavanmuktasana, other asanas like Bhujangasana, Vajrasana, Mandukasana, Kurmasana, Mayurasana and Ardhamatsyendrasana may be practised. The practice of Bhastrika and Suryabhedi Pranayama has been found very effective in this disease. Gnisara Kriya and Nauli Kriya.