Yoga Ganapati is the one who is proficient in yoga. It is one of the thirty two forms of Lord Ganesha. This incarnation of the elephant faced Hindu deity is venerated for yogic powers and realization of god. Moreover, praying to Him increases concentration and removes obstacles during meditation. Yoga Ganapati is portrayed in crimson red complexion and wears blue garments. He is depicted in a yogic stance bounded in a yogic girdle.
In this form, Lord Ganesha has four arms and holds different objects in each hand. He carries rudraksha beads, a noose, sugarcane and a staff of the yogi. The Yoga Ganapati is deeply engaged in meditation. It is widely believed that that when a devotee meditates on this form of the Lord, he can achieve yogic powers. Moreover, His worshippers pray to the Lord and recite the Sri Yoga Ganapati to achieve peace. This is mentioned below-
Yoggarudho Yoga Pattabhiramah
Balarkabhah Chandra Neelamshukadayah
Pashekshvakshan Yogadandam Dadanah
Payanityam Yoga Vighneshvaro Nah.
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