The works of Sarikaracharya has undergone a lot of debates regarding their authenticity.
Belvalkar announced about a half century ago that the commentaries of Sarikara on the Upanishads like Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Aitareya, Taittirlya, Chandogya and Brhadaranyaka were genuine.
According to Belvalkar, the Brahma-Sutra-Bhasya is undoubtedly the work of Sarikaracharya and the commentary on the Bhagavad Gita might be his own probably. Likewise, he also believes that some `prakarana granthas` have claimed reasonably the authorship of Sarikaracharya.
Karl H. Potter scrutinised the studies done by Paul Hacker and Sangeku Mayeda with reference to the words, context and conceptions of the works. After this he came to the conclusion that the commentaries of Sarikara on the Brahma Sutra, the Brhadaranyaka and the Taittirlya Upanishad as well as the Upadesa-sahasri are certainly Sarikara`s works.
Sarikacharya`s authorship was accepted in these compositions also, which includes the commentaries on the Aitareya, the Chandogya, the Mundaka and the Prasna Upanishads. His authorship of the `commentary of the Bhagavad Gita` was also questioned by Paul Hacker. But Ingalls and Raghavan accepted that Sarikaracharya wrote the commentary on the Bhagavad Gita. Again, Mayeda says that there was no adequate reason to refuse the authorship of Sarikaracharya.
Paul Hackers studied few of the publications and manuscripts on the question of Sarikacharaya`s authorship of certain works.