Warts are common skin disease caused by Human Papilloma Virus and occur mainly on hands and feet.

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Warts, Skin DisorderWarts are small lumps on the skin that normally does not cause pain. Wart is also known as `Verruca`. It is a small, rough tumour that occurs typically on hands and feet but often on other locations too. Though, this skin disease is harmless in the beginning, yet if not treated upon, can spread very quickly. Warts are a common disorder in childhood, just after infancy and upsurge of small benign tumours of the skin in various shapes and sizes are seen. Common warts occur most frequently on the hands. They may be either scattered or grouped and some can be either like thread or flat in shape. Eventually these warts dissolve on their own.

Causes of Warts
Causes of Warts are said to be mainly virus infection and specifically by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Warts are contagious when they come in contact with the skin of an infected person. Viruses usually penetrate the skin via small abrasions. Patients may get infected in different places. They typically disappear after a few months but can last for years and can recur.

Symptoms of Warts
Warts present certain symptoms which include rough elevation in the skin that occurs more frequently on the fingers, elbows, knees, face and scalp. They usually appear as small raised painless lesion with a rough-dry surface. Where there is pressure such as on the soles of the feet, they may be hardly raised, but tend to be painful. They flourish in the moist areas of the body.

Warts, Skin DisorderTypes of Warts
Several varieties of wart are categorised depending upon the shape and site of the wart. The wide kinds include common wart, filiform wart, flat wart, genital wart, mosaic wart and plantar wart.

Diagnosis of Warts
Diagnosis of warts begins with the identification of the specific type. A variety of wart treatment exists. In addition to that various vaccines are intended to prevent some strains of HPV. However, HPV once been contracted cannot be cured.

Treatment of Warts
Numerous treatments for warts are available, although no single therapy has been established as completely curative. Treatment of Warts can be done through nature cure, home remedies as well as aromatherapy.

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