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Vypeen Island
Vypeen Island is alike a hand stretched out to the water that was formed in Kerala after the floods of 1341.

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Vypeen IslandVypeen Island, also spelt as Vypin Island was formed after the great floods of 1341. The Vypeen Island is 25 Kilometer long and has an average width of 2 kilometers. Vypeen is like a hand stretched out to the water with sea and backwater on either side. Vypeen Island is densely populated but suffers from a shortage of fresh potable water during the dry season.

The lighthouse at Ochanthuruth is a vantage point on Vypeen Island to enjoy a panoramic view of Kochi. The entry time to lighthouse is within 3pm to 5pm. To the extreme north of Vypeen Island lies Pallipuram Fort built by Portuguese in 1503.

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