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Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar
Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar was one of the most venerated poets and playwrights in Maharashtra.

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Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar, Indian Theatre PersonalityVishnu Vaman Shirwadkar was a famous poet and also a playwright in Maharashtra. He published poetry under the pen name of Kusumagraj, and plays, stories, and essays under his own name. Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar was born in Pune in 1922. He started his career as a journalist. He wrote and adapted eighteen plays for the mainstream Marathi theatre from 1946 to 1989, including translations of Jean Anouilh`s Becket and Shakespeare`s Macbeth and Othello. His best-known and most admired drama, Natasamrat i.e. `The Actor-Emperor` in 1970, challenged the finest Marathi performers to play the hero, a king of actors, after Shreeram Lagoo made the role famous. To the extent that it tells the story of an old man. He was once a proud `king`, but somehow he reduced to beggary by his children`s ingratitude. Natasamrat recalls Shakespeare`s King Lear. Beyond that, it is a powerful domestic melodrama rather than a searing human tragedy. Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar died in the year 1999.

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