Uthiramerur is located in Kanchipuram district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. It is a panchayat town established by the Pallava king Nandivarman II in 750 A.D. The town has been ruled by powerful rulers of the Chola Dynasty, the Sambuvarayar Dynasty, Nayak Dynasty, the Pallava Dynasty, the Pandya Dynasty and the Vijayanagar Empire.
History of Uthiramerur
During several excavations conducted in the town of Uthiramerur, stone edicts and carvings have been found of the Chola Dynasty. These suggest about the local self governance that prevailed during that period. The elections were held at the time by a method known as Kudavolai. The edicts found have been named as Uthiramerur Kalvettu after the name of the place. Many inscriptions dating around 920 A.D have been found on the walls of the village assembly (grama sabha mandapa). These walls have been constructed of granite slabs and are all rectangular in shape. These inscriptions suggest that the village had a written constitution as well as an electoral system prevailed here. The constitution laid down about the different modes of elections. These inscriptions in the reign of Parantaka Chola are regarded as significant historical record. The Kailasanathar temple located in the town has been recently renovated and repaired by the REACH foundation.
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