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Use of Yavasa as Medicines
Yavasa is an important herb with excellent therapeutic utility in several conditions.

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Use of Yavasa as Medicines, Classification of MedicineYavasa is an Ayurvedic herb used mainly in the treatment of obesity, skin diseases and Pitta conditions. Its botanical name is Alhagi Maurorum. This plant is described as laxative, diuretic and expectorant. The thorny flower-stalks or branches are supplied by druggists as the parts used in medicine. Charaka and Sushruta have mentioned about this drug in their texts.

Dose of Yavasa in Medicine
An extract obtained by evaporating a decoction of the plant is called "Yavasarkara" or the sugar obtained from Yavasa. It has a sweetish bitter taste, and is used as a demulcent in the cough of children. The fresh juice of the plant is used as a diuretic in suppression of urine. The following compound decoction is recommended by Sarangadhara in constipation with suppression of urine. Take Alhagi Maurorum, chebulic myrobalans, pulp of Cassia Fistula (aragbadha), fruits of Tribulus terrestris (Gokshura) and root of Coleus aromaticus (pashanbhid), prepare a decoction in the usual way and administer it with honey.

The following electuary is recommended by several writers for the cough of children; take the extract of yavasa, raisins, chebulic myrobalans and long pepper in equal parts, powder them and mix it with honey and clarified butter.

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