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Use of Urine as Treatment
Urine is considered to be an invaluable source of nourishment and healing and is encouraged as a potent medicine.

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Use of Urine as TreatmentUrine is a by-product of blood filtration, not waste filtration. It is a purified derivative of the blood itself, made by the kidneys. The properties of the urine of various animals, such as the cow, buffalo, goat, sheep, horse, elephant, ass and camel are minutely described. Of these, cow"s urine is much used both internally and externally, in the purification of various metals and in the preparation of oils, decoctions, etc.

Benefits of Urine
Cow"s urine is described as laxative, diuretic and useful in constipation, suppression of urine, colic, anasarca, jaundice, leprosy and other skin diseases. Goat"s urine is sometimes given internally as for example in the prescription quoted under Nardostachys Jatamansi. In congestive fever with constipation, flushed face and headache, an ounce of fresh and warm cow"s urine is given as a domestic medicine. It is sometimes given as the vehicle for administering castor oil.

Dose of Urine in Medicine
Cow"s urine is used in the preparation of various medicines for jaundice, anasarca and allied diseases. The following is an illustration.

Punarnava Mandura: Take Boerliaavia diffusa (punarnava), Ipomoea Turpethum (trivrit), ginger, long pepper, black pepper, baberang seeds, devadaru wood, plumbago root, pachak root, the three myrobalans, turmeric, wood of Berberis Asiatica (Daruharidra), root of Baliospermum montanum (Danti), Piper Chaba (chavika), indrajava seeds, root of Picrorrhiza Kurroa (katuki), long pepper root and the tubers of Cyperus rotundus (mustaka) in equal parts; iron rust in weight equal to twice that of all the other ingredients; mix them together and boil the mixed powder in 8 times its weight of cow"s urine till the watery part is evaporated. Dose should be about 22 grains, in jaundice, ascites, anasarca, enlargements of the abdominal viscera, painful dyspepsia, etc.

Marichadya Taila: Take mustard oil 4 seers, cow"s urine 16 seers, aconite 8 tolas, orpiment, realgar, black pepper, milky juice of Calotropis gigantea (arka), root of Nerium odorurn (karavira), root of Ipomoea Turpethum (trivrit), colocynth root, Aplotaxis auriculata (kushtha), turmeric, wood of Berberis Asiatica (Daruharidra), devadaru wood, and red sandal wood, each 4 tolas, and prepare an oil in the usual way. This oil is said to be useful in leucoderma, chronic prurigo and other obstinate skin diseases

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