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Use of Talisapatra as Medicines
Talisapatra is a medicinal tree found in Himalaya and is used in Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani.

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Use of Talisapatra as Medicines, Classification of MedicineThe dried leaves used by Kavirajas under the name of Talisapatra, were identified at the herbarium of the Royal Botanic Garden to be the leaves of Pinus Webbiana. They are single, spirally arranged all round the branchlets, flat, narrow, linear, one to three inches long, one line broad, narrowed into a short terete petiole, under side with two longitudinal furrows on either side of the raised midrib, upper side shining. This medicinal plant is regarded as carminative, expectorant and useful in phthisis, cough and asthma.

Dose of Talisapatra in Medicine
The powdered leaves are given with the juice of Justicia Adhatoda (vasaka) and honey in cough, asthma and haemoptysis. A confection called Talisadya Churna is prepared with talisapatra, black pepper, long pepper, ginger, bamboo-manna, cardamom, cinnamon and sugar, and is used in the above mentioned diseases. These leaves enter into the composition of numerous complex prescriptions.

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