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Use of Mahua as Medicines
Mahua is also considered as medicinal herbs and is useful for external application in treating skin diseases.

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Use of Mahua as Medicines, Classification of MedicineMahua tree is considered a boon by the tribals as a part of their cultural heritage. The Bassia Latifolia is popularly known as Mahua in India.

Health Benefits of Mahua
The flowers of Bassia Latifolia yield a distilled spirit which is described by Sushruta as heating, astringent, tonic and appetizing.

Dose of Mahua in Medicine
The flowers of Mahua are regarded as cooling, tonic and nutritive. They enter into the composition of several mixtures of a cooling and demulcent character. The following is an example. Take the flowers of Bassia latifolia, bark of Gmelina arborea (gambhari), red sandal wood, roots of Andropogon muricatum (ushira), coriander and raisins in equal parts and prepare an infusion in the usual way. This infusion is given with the addition of sugar the relief of thirst, burning of the body and giddiness.

The seeds of Bassia latifolia yield by expression of a thick concrete oil which is used in lamps and by the poorer classes for culinary purposes. This oil is called Madhuka Sara in Sanskrit and is recommended to be applied to the head in cephalalgia.

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