Danti is a medicinal herb. The botanical name of Danti is Baliospermum montanum. The seeds of Baliospermum montanum are described as drastic. Like croton seeds they are boiled in milk before use. The root of the plant is considered cathartic.
Health Benefits of Danti
They are used in treatment of anasarca, jaundice, constipation, piles, calculus, scabies, skin disorders, suppurative ulcers and diseases caused by the vitiation of Kapha and Pitta. The paste of roots is applied externally on painful swellings and piles.
Dose of Danti in Medicine
Both are much used in diseases where purgatives are indicated. The following are a few examples of prescriptions containing these medicines.
Naracha Rasa: Take mercury, borax and black pepper</b>, one part each, sulphur, ginger and long pepper 2 parts each, seeds of Baliospermum montanum 9 parts; powder the ingredients and make into 2 grain pills with water. These are given in constipation and tympanites.
Danti Haritaki: Take 25 large chebulic myrobalans and enclose them in a piece of cloth. Then take the roots of Baliospermum montanum and Ipomcea Turpethum (trivrit), each 200 tolas, water 64 seers, boil them together till the water is reduced to 8 seers. Strain the decoction, take out the chebulic myrobalans and fry them in 32 tolas of sesamum oil. To the strained decoction add 200 tolas of old treacle; then boil till reduced to the proper consistence for a confection. Now add to the mass the following substances, namely powdered root of Ipomcea Turpethum (trivrit) 32 tolas, long pepper and ginger, each 8 tolas and stir them well; when cool add 32 tolas of honey, cinnamon, cardamom, leaves called tejapatra and the flowers of Mesua ferrea (nagakesara) each 8 tolas, and prepare a confection. The chebulic myrobalans should be kept imbedded in the medicine. 2 tolas of the confection and one of the chebulic myrobalans are to be taken every morning
Gudashtaka: Take Danti, trivrit and plumbago roots, black pepper, long pepper, ginger and long pepper root, equal parts in fine powder; treacle, equal in weight to all the other ingredients and mix. Dose should be about a tola every morning in flatulence and retained secretions, anasarca, jaundice, etc.
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