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Use of Banana as Medicines
Banana plant has many medicinal uses and they are traditionally used in many medicines in Ayurveda.

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Use of Banana as Medicines, Classification of MedicineMusa Paradisiaca commonly known as "Banana" is widely used as folk medicine for the treatment of various ailments. Banana is a very versatile plant where all of its parts provide its respective health benefits as used in traditional herbal medicine.

Benefits of Banana
Banana is one of the most nutritious fruit that provides valuable health benefits to the body and sure various ailments including diarrhoea, wounds, stomach ulcer, diabetes, heart burn, inflammation and others. There are many healing and medicinal properties of bananas. The leaves and leaf-stalks when burnt yield alkaline ashes which can be used instead of country soap or fuller"s earth, in washing clothes.

Dose of Banana in Medicine
Use of Banana as Medicines, Classification of MedicineThe unripe fruit, called "Mochaka" in Sanskrit, is considered cooling and astringent; it is much used in diabetes in the form of a ghrita prepared as follows:

Kadalyadi Ghrita: Take plantain flowers 12 seers and a half, watery juice of the root stock of the plantain 64 seers; boil them together till reduced to one-fourth and strain. To the strained decoction add 4 seers of prepared clarified butter and the following substances in the form of a paste, namely, unripe plantains, cloves, cardamoms, red sandal wood, wood of Pinus longifolia (sarala), Jatamansi root, the three myrobalans, Raphanus sativus (mulaka) and the fruit of Feronia elephantum (kapitiha) in equal parts, one seer in all, and prepare a ghrita in the usual way. This medicine is generally given along with some preparation of tin or other metallic medicine in diabetes. Dose should be about 2 tolas.

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