Lingam is a theoretical demonstration of the Hindu deity Lord Shiva. It is placed in the temples to worship. Shiva lingam is measured by the people as Lord Shiva himself. Shiva lingam is for all time symbolized with the yoni which is a representation of Mata Shakti (means female creative energy). It symbolises the exclusive indivisible power of the male and female. Lingam is the oval shape formation similar to the whole Universe and its foundation resembling the base of Supreme Power which holds the entire Universe.
Types of Lingam
Lingam has been explained as endless cosmic pillar (means Stambha) of the fire which is formerly a cause of all causes. It never has any ending and establishment. Sastra specifies a lot of lingam types for worship, which is classified as natural and man-made. Following are the different types of Lingam:
Gandha Lingam: It is made of three ingredients, four parts of sandal paste, three parts of "kumkumam" and two parts of musk. If worship is made to sandal paste lingam, individual gets blessed with "Sivasayujyamukti", reconciling of his "jivatma" into the "Paramatma".
Pushpa Lingam: This is made of different types of fresh, sweet-scented, multi-coloured pleasing flowers. It sanctifies the individual with kingship and acquirement of lands.
Gosakru Lingam: It is made of the dung of brown coloured cow. The individual will be blessed with wealth, if he worships it.
Valuka Lingam: It is made of bright sand and the devotion presents the position of "Vidhyadhara", belonging to one of the denominations of deferential angels.
Yavagodhumasalija Lingam: It is made of rice, maize and wheat flour, and if treasured, it presents the individual with "santanaprapti" in adding up to wealth.
Sitakhanda Lingam: It is made of sugar candy and blesses the individual with healthy strength and disease free easeful life.
Lavana Lingam: It is made of salt mixed with the powder of "Hartal" and "Trikatukala". It sanctifies the individual with "Vasikaranasakti", the power that suppresses other with the help of spells and charms.
Tilapista Lingam: It is made with the paste of gingili seeds. The aspirations of the individual are fulfilled, if worshipped.
Bhamsa Lingam: It is made of dust and presents the individual with all gratifying advantages.
Vamsankura Lingam: It is made of the gentle leaves of bamboo, and presents the individual with a long line of descendants.
Pishta Lingam: It is made of rice flour and sanctifies the individual with education.
Dhadhidhugdha Lingam: It is made of milk and curd, on sorting out the entire quantity of water, and sanctifies the individual with property and happiness.
Dhanya Lingam: It is made of particle and sanctifies the individual with abundant crops to the individual.
Phala Lingam: It is made of fruits and sanctifies the individual with good crops of fruits.
Dhatri Lingam: It is made of a kind of acid fruit, "phyllanthus Emblica" and bestows the individual with liberation.
Navanita Lingam: It is made of butter and confers the individual with fame and wealth.
Durvakadaja Lingam or Garika Lingam: It is made of a type of grass - "agrostis linaries" and saves the individual from early or accidental death.
Karpura Lingam: It is made of camphor and bestows the individual from setting free.
Ayaskanta Lingam: It confers the individual with "siddhi" – super natural powers.
Mouktika Lingam: It is made of the ashes and confers the individual with auspiciousness and luck.
Suvarana Lingam: It is made of gold and confers the individual with "mukti" -- release of soul from body.
Rajita Lingam: It is made of silver and presents the individual with prosperity.
Kamsya Lingam: It is made of brass and bell metal and set free the soul from body of the individual.
Trapu Lingam: It is made of "tagara" metal and makes one"s life free from enemies, if worshipped.
Ayasa Lingam: It relieves the individual from the threat of enemies.
Seesa Lingam: It is made of lead and makes the worshipper secure from the foes.
Ashtadhtu Lingam: It is made of minerals and bestows with "sarvasiddi", all super natural powers.
Aahtaloha Lingam: It is made of eight metals and heals the individual with the leprosy.
Vaidurya Lingam: It is made of a precious stone called "vaidurya" and saves the individual from harms from the enemies.
Spatika Lingam: It is made of gemstone and presents accomplishment from all desires of the worshipper.
Padara Lingam: It is made of mercury and presents the worshipper with immeasurable fortune.
Shiva lingams are divided into a lot of types according to the materials used to make it such as sandalwood paste, river clay, wood, stones, white marbles, precious gems, metal, mercury, gold, silver, etc. Black Shiva Lingam is measured as holy and sacred appearance and it holds very protective energies. White Marble Shiva Lingam is made up of white marbles and very helpful for the people having suicidal inclination.