Treatment of Common Fever often is administered by means of symptomatic supportive alternatives, trying to comfort the patient in the maximum and delimiting hitches and risky sequela. Common Fever needs effective treatment and serious looking after, contrary to which the illness can move up to turning into influenza or something more fatal. As such, treatments of common fever call for equal attention and importance for both adult and a child.
Common Fever is regarded very much a common ailment, familiar to almost every household. Primarily governed with a rise in temperature, running nose, ache in the whole body, common fever mostly occurs due to seasonal alterations and the sudden change in atmospheric temperature.
Various Treatments of Common Fever
Common Fever is normally known to settle down of its own accord within 7 to 10 days, but several late-running symptoms and after-effects can last for up to even 3 weeks. A varied range of options for quick, effective and fool-proof recovery and convalescence in treating common fever is presently available in the market and household. Natural remedies, homeopathy, Ayurveda and of course, allopathic remedies can be chosen for to treat common cold.
For treating the common fever, the patients are advised to take plenty of rest, drink fluids to sustain hydration, gargle with warm salt water and also make use of cough drops, throat sprays, or over-the-counter pain or cold medicines. Saline nasal drops are also helpful to relieve in congested nasal or throat passages while in fever. Treatments that may help lessen symptoms in common fever comprise administering: analgesics, decongestants and cough suppressants.
Treatment of Common Fever by Nature Cure
Umpteen remedies utilising the Tulsi plant can be found even in present times in almost every household, both for treating adults and children. The best treatment of common fever is through fasting, cold water enema and repeated whole body sponge. Cold hip bath also is known to give fast and effective relief. If feverish temperature rises higher, a cold pack or ice needs to be rested over the forehead. In extremely feverish conditions Yoga Asanas like, Chandrabhedi, Shitali and Sitkari Pranayama can be practised every morning and evening.
However, treatment of common fever in Ayurveda, treatment of common fever by homeopathy and treatment of common fever by home remedy, has always gained the most of attention and interest striving for the best. Common fever being presently the most common and everyday happening due to vacillating climate changes, one is more susceptible cough and cold and a runny nose, accompanied by severe headache and joint ache. Such initial symptoms are sure to develop into the common type of fever, which has proven to curb down under Homeopathy, Ayurveda and Nature Cure Treatments.