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Treatment of Thyroid
Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy, etc. are most frequently used for treatment of thyroid diseases.

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Treatment of ThyroidThe treatment of thyroid diseases is done following various alternative medicinal methods. The thyroid diseases are actually health disorders related to the endocrine gland thyroid which is responsible for many crucial activities in human body. The alternative treatment methods followed most commonly for curing thyroid diseases include Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Naturopathy or nature care, nutrition therapy, etc. Apart from these, several dietary restrictions and exercises are also suggested for treating thyroid diseases.

The traditional Indian medicine, Ayurveda, provides quite an effective treatment procedure for the thyroid diseases. The Ayurvedic treatment of thyroid diseases is done following both medications and dietary regulations. Ayurveda first identifies the causes of a particular type of thyroid disease and then tries to ease the difficulties of the disease. The remedies suggested frequently for treating thyroid diseases include coconut oil, practicing Yogic Asanas like Sarvangasana or the shoulder stand, Halasana, Suryanamaskara, Suptavajrasana, etc; including herbs like guggul in the diet to stimulate the thyroid; etc. The herbs like Kanchanara, Jatamansi, Shilajita, Brahmi guggulu, gokshura, punarnava, etc. are used for making Ayurvedic preparations for thyroid diseases. The Ayurvedic medicines used regularly for curing thyroid diseases include Kanchanar Guggulu, Ashwagandharishta, Amritadhaya taila, Mahayogaraj guggulu, etc.

In Homoeopathy, the treatment of thyroid diseases is done based on the patient`s individual constitution. The individualised Homoeopathic treatment takes several factors into account, before prescribing a remedy to a patient. The factors like the patient`s state under active thyroid, its extent, cause, genetic pattern, emotional sphere, hormonal imbalance, and other factors which lead and maintain the disease, are thoroughly assessed in Homoeopathy. The medicines used most commonly for treatment of thyroid diseases include Calcare phos, Calcarea carb, Lapis alb, Iodium, Thyroidinum, Calcarea iod, Calcarea carbonica, Lapis albus, Iodine, Spongia tosta, Lycopus Virginicus, Thyroidine, Natrum muriaticum, Fucus vesiculosus, Bromium, etc.

Naturopathy or nature care is used quite frequently for treatment of thyroid diseases. According to nature care, a patient should not allow the body to become exhausted. The patient should also be cautious to avoid any annoyance or anger likely to cause emotional upset. Naturopathic treatment of thyroid diseases is aimed at purifying the whole body system. Nature care suggests a patient to adopt a rational diet and also take adequate rest and relax. According to naturopathy, though there is often a recurrence of symptoms during treatment of thyroid diseases, these should gradually lessen.

Sometimes, various dietary regulations are prescribed for treatment of thyroid diseases. At first, the patient is advised to take only juices of fresh fruits like orange, apple, pineapple and grapes, on a regular basis. The bowels are required to be cleansed regularly with warm-water enema. The patients are further advised to eat fruits and milk for another few days and then, adopt a well-balanced diet. The diet should comprise seeds, nuts and grains, vegetables, fruits, etc. and it is required to confine the starch element to whole-wheat products and potatoes. Only a few protein foods like cheese, peas, beans, lentils, nuts, etc. are allowed to eat during the treatment of thyroid diseases. Apart from these, the white flour products, white sugar, flesh foods, fried and greasy foods, preserves, condiments, tea, coffee, alcohol, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, spinach, turnips, soy, beans, mustard greens, etc. are strictly prohibited for the thyroid patients. Drinking lots of ginger tea and avoiding salty foods are also considered helpful in treatment of thyroid diseases.

All the above mentioned alternative medicinal methods are applied quite frequently for treatment of thyroid diseases, along with the conventional medicinal therapies. However, taking preventive actions like avoiding the food items causing troubles for thyroid and living a healthy lifestyle are always the best way to stay safe.

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