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Treatment of Piles
Treatment of Piles can be done in various ways like diet therapy, Ayurveda or surgical methods. Treatment of piles should be done immediately to prevent the excessive pain and problem of constipation.

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Treatment of PilesTreatment of piles is considered as significant immediately after its diagnosis. Prevention of hemorrhoids is the main aim in treating piles, which includes several measures like drinking more fluids, eating more dietary fiber, proper exercising, practicing better posture, etc. Piles sufferers should strictly limit time straining during bowel movement. Women who notice some painful stools around the time of menstruation are advised by the doctor to begin taking extra dietary fiber and fluids a couple days prior to that time. Fluids emitted by the intestinal tract may contain irritants that often enhance the fissures connected with hemorrhoids. Washing the anus with cool water and soap may reduce the swelling and slowly increase blood supply for quicker healing and may remove irritating fluid. Kegel exercises for the pelvic floor often prove to be helpful for the treatment of piles.

Many people do not get adequate supply of dietary fiber and some small changes in the daily diet of a person can actually help tremendously in both the prevention and treatment of piles. Three of four figs should be soaked overnight in water after being cleaned carefully in hot water and they should be consumed along with plenty of water. This should be the first thing to be done in the morning. If they are taken in evening in the similar manner, it offers finest results. This particular treatment should be continued for at least three to four weeks. The tiny seeds of the fruit possess all exceptional quality of stimulating peristaltic movement of the intestines. This increases trouble-free evacuation of faeces and also facilitates in keeping the alimentary canal clean. The pressure on the anus thus being relieved, the pile inflations also contract.

Treatment of Piles Home Remedies for Treatment of Piles
The seeds of mango are an efficient remedy the treatment of piles. The seeds are dried first and then powdered, which is stored for use. For an effective treatment of piles, this powder is given in particular doses to the patient daily. Another effective remedy is the black berry fruit, which should be taken every morning with a little bit of salt for continuously two or three months. If the fruit is used in this way during every season then it ensures a complete cure and save the user from bleeding piles for his entire lifetime. Another vegetable that is considered effective and highly valuable for the treatment of piles is white radish. This vegetable can also be taken along with a variety of juices mixed with a hint of salt. One should take it in doses of around 60 to 90 ml daily every morning and in the evening. Moreover, one can also apply a paste of well grinded white radish properly mixed with milk over inflamed pile masses as it helps in relieving pain and swelling.

Leaves of turnip have been found useful in this disease. The juice of these leaves after being extracted and offering 150 ml to the patient can relieve the pain. However, it is very essential to take an appropriate diet of green leafy vegetable and raw fruits while taking the juice of turnip. Those who are suffering from problem of piles should take three teaspoons of the juice of the leaves of bitter gourd with a glass of buttermilk to treat this problem. They should take it every morning. For more beneficial results, one can apply a paste of bitter gourd plant roots over piles.

Ginger is also very useful in treating the problem of piles. Around half a teaspoon of ginger juice along with one teaspoon of fresh lime juice and mint juice mixed with a tablespoon of honey form an efficient medicine for piles. One of the most effectual home remedy for treating piles is onion. About 30 grams of onion should be delicately rubbed in water and 60 grams of sugar should be added to it and this mixture should be taken by the patient at least twice daily. It will provide relief within a few days.

Exercises are also effective and play a counteractive role in treating piles. An effort should be made by the patients to tone up the entire system. Movements, which exercise the abdominal muscles, will recover motion in the rectal region and relieve congestion. Treatments for hemorrhoids vary largely. However, creams containing steroid ingredients weaken the skin and may contribute to further flare-ups. It is advisable to keep the area of piles inflammation clean and dry, with some lubrication provided by hemorrhoidal creams or a lubricant. Ointment or suppositories such as Proctosedyl and Faktu also relieve the symptoms of Piles.

Medical Treatment of Piles
For the treatment of severe or chronic hemorrhoids, some people need to take the advice of medical practitioners. The effective surgical treatments of piles consist of rubber and ligation, which is alos known as Baron ligation. In this method, elastic bands are applied onto the internal hemorrhoid for cutting off the blood supply. Within a few days, the shrunken hemorrhoid is sloughed off during normal movements of bowel. Another popular surgical method of treatment of piles is Hemorrhoidolysis or Galvanic Electrotherapy.

Another treatment of piles is Cryosurgery, in which a frozen tip of a cryoprobe is used to destroy the tissues of hemorrhoid. In Laser, infrared or BICAP coagulation an infrared beam or laser is used to burn the affected tissues. However, lasers are less popular. Hemorrhoidectomy is designed to remove soft tissue proximal to the dentate line, which interrupts the blood circulation to the hemorrhoids. It is comparatively less painful and it also allows for faster recovery times.

Transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD) is similar to HAL, but relatively much safer and less painful. Further, it also has a shorter recovery time. Procedure for Prolapsed and Hemorrhoids (or PPH) results in less pain than traditional hemorrhoidectomy procedures as it is performed above the regions where a person would feel pain, or dentate line inside the anal canal. The benefit is that this hemorrhoid treatment procedure affects few nerve endings, while traditional hemorrhoidectomy procedures are operated below the dentate line, which affects several sensitive nerve endings. Another very effective surgical method fro the treatment of piles is `Radiofrequency Coagulation`.

Although home remedies serve the best process for treatment of piles, surgery is advised for severe cases.

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